


2017/07/21 17:27:45 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:177 移动端


  美国MBA申请忌讳1. Q: What to write and what not to write in essays? (Essay中应该写一些什么内容或者有什么忌讳呢?)

  A: Other than studying for the GMAT or GRE, the essays are typically the most time consuming part of an application.

  I know when I read a good essay because it answers the question and is specific about the applicants goals, experiences, etc. A good essay is personal enough to tell a story without going too far.

  The worst thing to see in an essay is another school's name. Double, triple check those essays! Also spell check and have someone else read you essays bore turning them in.

  一篇好的MBA essay 应该是一个包含申请人职业发展的故事。最糟糕的事情就是你的essay 上面有别的学校的名字,反复检查,不要犯这种低级错误啊!

  美国MBA申请2. Q: When it comes to recommendation letters, what are the biggest faux pas you have seen? Also, do you prer receiving recommendations strictly from a workplace perspective, or do you actually prer getting a different perspective of the candidate from one of the recommendation letters (such as community service, extra curriculars , etc.)?(关于推荐信,你见过最大的失误有哪些呢?你比较喜欢一封推荐信完全来自于工作之类的环境,还是比较喜欢来自于例如社区服务、课外活动等不同的观点?)

  A: I would say the biggest mistake is having someone write a letter who does not know you, but you think because of their title that it will carry more weight. I would say find someone who knows you and knows what you have done and can detail why you would be a good fit.

  The only time this might not be the case would be if the recommender was an alumni and knows the school and program. This person could then detail why you would be a good applicant because they know you and the program.

  We prer professional rerences but we will take academic. Recommendations from community service activities are fine, as well.

  糟糕的推荐信是找一个名声很大但是不了解你的人来推荐你, 建议找一个了解你的人写推荐信。

  美国MBA申请3. Q: Can you describe what exactly do you look in a candidate for the selection? And what is the weight age of the recommender's letter?(请描述一下您是怎么挑选申请者的?)

  A: We honestly consider the entire application. Obviously the numbers, GMAT/GRE and GPA are important, but just as important is fit with the program. We spend a lot of time reading over essays to determine how a prospective student might fit in with our culture and mission. For information on our admissions criteria, it can be found

  I think your question is in regards to how much weight do the recommendation letters carry. Please let me know if this is correct. The recommendation letters are very important, but I would say less important than the essays.

  考虑申请人整体的符合程度,当然面试官还是说了推荐信没有你的essay 重要。所以大家好好对待essay!

  美国MBA申请4. Q What are your Dos and Don'ts for more personal essays that ask the applicant to "describe oneself" to the panel/admissions committee?(您建议在个人陈述中如何描述自己,有什么应该表达或忌讳?)

  A:Great question. I would say stick the highlights, academic experiences, professional experiences, volunteer and leadership experiences and then how you came to understand that you wanted an MBA from that school.

  With that said, if there is something that you think is out of the box and in line with what the school's mission is, feel free to detail that. For example at Carey we have a hands on international experience called Innovation for Humanity, if an applicant was part of the Peace Corps or had some exceptional international experience and wanted to go into more detail about that, that would make sense in an essay.

  好的个人陈述包含学术经历,工作经历,志愿者经验,领导经验以及如何意识到需要在这个时候读一个MBA. 还有就是,国际经验这个对于国际生来说无疑很有优势。

  美国MBA申请5. Q: Are there any tips you have for those who are applying for B-School for the first time coming from a non-business background (I'm a pharmacist by profession).(你有什么建议给那些非商科背景的学生应该如何申请商学院?例如我是一个药剂师)

  A: Good question, Mayank. I would say the most important thing for someone looking at an MBA without a business background is to make sure you do your research on the programs you are interested in. Review their website, talk to current students or alumni, and again, attend events.

  Then take that information and be able to detail specifically how you, with a different background, would be able to fit into their school and culture. I spend quite a bit of time reading essays and when I see an essay that is specific and shows that the applicant has made the connection between themselves and our school, it's dinitely a good thing.

  美国MBA申请6: Q: How does you view career changers? I've seen some schools look for students who have a very specific career path in mind, and other schools who are more concerned with what you've done knowing that the MBA experience will expose you to new things and influence your career direction.(你怎么看待职业转变?有一些学校比较青睐那类有明确职业目标的申请者;但有一些学校比较关心你在MBA领域有什么相关知识引领你去接触新事物以及如何影响你的职业方向)

  A: Great question and we love career changers! You are correct, people choose to go to Business School for a number of reasons and a lot of time it's because they are looking for a different professional path. We see this a lot and just ask that an applicant detail how their past experiences have prepared them for the MBA, and what they hope to get out of the MBA experience.


  澳际留学服务团队拥有国内最为精英的咨询顾问。顾问团队由海内外顶尖名校硕士博士和金融咨询实业界精英专家构成;全部咨询师毕业于国内外一流大学。我们主要服务于美国名校或者奖学金申请的客户,我们服务于澳际六步曲(6大步骤,36个服务子项目)以及8大留学精英课程;强调重在参与精神、科学规划和个人素质综合提高、专业选择和海内外求职指导。澳际采用互动分享的Workshop,多对一的个性化辅导,根据申请者个人特性和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作,真正做到Be Yourself和Admission Officers Thinking的完美结合,独创“头脑风暴”挖掘法,帮助申请人全面认识自己。


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