


2017/07/21 16:48:42 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:276 移动端



  Essay 1

  What motivates your decision to pursue an MBA? (300 words maximum)

  Essay 2

  The Yale School of Management provides leadership education for broad-minded, rigorous, and intellectually curious students with diverse backgrounds; a distinctive integrated curriculum; connections to one of the great research universities in the world; and the broad reach of an innovative and expanding global network of top business schools.

  What motivates you to apply to the Yale School of Management for your MBA? What will you contribute to Yale and Yale SOM? (450 words maximum)

  Yale SOM Director of Admissions Bruce Delmonico has also announced that this year’s application will feature video questions, which will give applicants “the opportunity to really tell us about yourself and give us a fuller sense of your candidacy.”


  澳际留学深知每一个留学人都是独一无二的,因此我们非常厌恶制作中文文书而后翻译成英文的落后方式。令人遗憾的是,这正是很多DIY申请者和留学公司无法避免的行为。中西思维差异而导致的中式英语和词不达意等弊病对申请结果影响恶劣,我们则会根据申请者个人特点和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作。我们追求用地道的英语精彩展现申请人的特点,将Be Yourself 和Admission Officers' Thinking在每一份文书中完美结合。这不仅极大增加了成功机会,也让文书的写作变成了与我们的用户进行心灵交流的一种仪式。这个过程,不断感动着参与到其中的我们并为此骄傲。

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