


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:385 移动端



  1. First Impression:

  A conservative business attire can never go wrong. Crumpled or flashy dresses, unkempt hair, and overgrown dirty nails are dinitely not good signs of an ficient manager. If a candidate is dressed in attire that is more suited to a party than a business interview, then the adcom is rest assured that the candidate lacks focus. And if a candidate can’t even dress carully on such an important day, he/she never will.

  2. Time Management:

  It’s always better to be in time than on time. If you can’t manage to be in time at the threshold of your career, how do you expect adcom to believe that you would fectively manage deadlines, meetings, and work timings in future? If you are genuinely late, be apologetic and give valid reasons. Don’t bring up silly reasons such as traffic jams, woke up late, alarm clock didn’t ring etc.

  3. Emotional Maturity:

  There would be many instances in manger’s life where he/she would have to take firm decisions. During these times, a good manger will keep his/her cool and handle things fectively. Many a time even when candidates are well prepared, they are not able to perform well during the interviews because of the pressure that they feel.If the interviews are stress interviews, it is important for a candidate to keep his/her cool. This emotional quotient of handling things fectively whilst maintaining your calm is a sign of a good manager and adcom would dinitely want to test you on that front.


  4. Interest in B School:

  Admission committee dinitely looks forward to candidates who are genuinely interested in studying at their campus and who have made an extra fort to find the non obvious things about the B School. ‘Why us?’ question could never be answered without a thorough homework done by a candidate. This would bring a mark distinction from one candidate to other and would make the selection procedure easier for adcom.


  5. Communication Skills:

  It is important that candidate has clarity of thought while communicating. Adcom is dinitely not interested in boring unfocused candidates, alertness and confidence in speech becomes another assessment tool that makes one candidate different from another. A crisp and concise articulation is always appreciated.


  6. Body Language:

  Both communication skills and a positive body language are assessed through out the interview. Bone crushing or dead-fish handshakes, bad eye contact, playing with finger rings, shaking legs, unnecessary settling hair etc. are a few distractions that interviewers would not like to see during the interview.

  评论:在一些培训课上,不同的讲师的Body Language就各有千秋。当然,有些同志干脆坐在那里将稿子,就没意思了。Positive,这就是基本的目标。










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