

美国MBA文书中如何描述why MBA.

2017/07/21 15:41:23 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:350 移动端


  美国MBA留学,美国MBA申请条件中关于留学文书的写作,很多同学都遭遇了why MBA的老套话题。对于此话题,澳际专家以Management Consultancy in IT industry为例,为同学们说说:

  Step 1:当然,除了未来potential的高额的工资package,到底还有什么原因,来吸引你去用人生中不短的2年去读一个学位呢?


  1. Switching career to some other Industry or function

  2. Starting ones own business

  3. Progressing to a higher responsibility in the same industry or function

  Step 2:当在上面的list中选到了自己的方向后,那么下面的一步,就是来问问自己如下美国MBA问题,进一步让自己的目标明确化

  1. Which Industry, role and country you are aiming for.

  像刚才说的,我用"Management Consultant in the field of IT"来进行举例

  2. What are your target companies.

  一定要对这个答案很明确!AdCom想要明白你想要MBA申请target到底是什么类型的companies。到底具体明确到什么程度呢?至少不应该只是泛泛的说:a target for 3-4 companie

  3. What the new role means.

  一定要明确你在这个company里面的Role and Responsibilities!还是举刚才那个例子,去国外读MBA可以先identify出来你可以在这个role上大体上做下什么。比如,一个典型的IT management consultant的工作可能包括如下几个方面:

  · Selling (identifying prospective clients etc)

  · Research (Gathering requirements, interviewing clients, evaluating existing solutions etc)

  · Analysis (Gathering data and information)

  · Reporting (preparing proposals, recommendation to client etc)

  · Implementation (project management, documenting team work, IT implementation etc)

  · Administration (Expense report, time tracking)

  Step 3:在考察完你targeting的company和role之后,下面就该来evalutate下申请人自己了!那么可以先试着回答下如下的问题:

  1. Where do you stand today.

  比如:I'm already working as an IT consultant for last XX years and have successfully implemented XX projects at various client locations. I have worked close with client and have displayed some of the qualities required by a IT consultant.

  2. What kind of role you are looking for in the future.

  I'm looking for a role of Management Consultancy, continuing in the same IT field but with a higher responsibility

  3. What skills you already posses and what new skills are required.


  Technical knowledge - strong

  Analytical skills - strong

  Client skills - basic

  Leadership skills - basic

  Business skills - basic

  Management skills - basic

  Communication skills - good

  Relationship skills - basic


  4. The skills, which hindered your performance in the past, MBA can add.

  下面需要自我evaluate就是,在达到自己的目标的路上,到底是什么阻碍了自己继续前进。而其中哪些skills是MBA可以帮到你的。这里,需要进一步detailed的skills set了,就不能再停留在大的skill的层面上了。

  5. What have you done so far to prove that you are moving towards your career goal.

  比如:I have moved from IT Product based company to IT services based company due to this reason. A list of trainings or programs I attended to add a skillset like client negotiation, Project Management etc.用这样的actions来证明你对你的career goal的serious!


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