

本科转学去美国 想拿美国大学奖学金不容易.

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:387 移动端



  University of Pennsylvania:

  Is there financial aid available for domestic and international transfer students?

  If you are applying as an international transfer student we do have some funding available, but it is very limited.

  Colgate University:

  It is rare for Colgate to be able to offer financial aid to transfer students. This applies for both domestic and international transfer applicants. If aid is available for transfer students, it is awarded based on demonstrated need. The university does not offer academic merit aid.

  你会发现,学校在措词上通常以rare,very limited作为修饰。所以我们一定要确定这个very limited的程度是多少,这对于你进行申请会很有帮助!

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