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只接受秋季申请美国本科之间转学:The University does not admit freshmen or transfers to enroll mid-year.
Penn maintains a two-year academic enrollment requirement. At least one-half of the total number of courses required for the Penn degree must be completed here, regardless of the number of transferable credits completed elsewhere. If you have completed more than two years of transferrable work at other institutions, you may not be eligible to transfer to Penn.
At least one full year of transferable academic course work (8 courses) must be completed by the close of the spring term prior to the September of anticipated enrollment at Penn.
Students who have already completed a Bachelor's degree are not eligible to transfer to an undergraduate school at Penn.
Applicants who wish to enter after one year of college must have completed:
One semester of calculus (MATH 104), which can be fulfilled by:
A score of “5” on the AP Calculus BC exam (no credit is awarded for the AB exam),
A score of “7” on the IB Higher Level Mathematics with Further Mathematics exam,
A course deemed by the Department of Mathematics to be equivalent to MATH 104.
One semester of introductory microeconomics, which can be fulfilled by:
A score of “5” on the AP Microeconomics exam,
A score of “6” or “7” on the IB Higher Level Economics exam,
A course deemed by the Department of Economics to be equivalent to ECON 001.
One semester of introductory macroeconomics, which can be fulfilled by:
A score of “5” on the AP Macroeconomics exam,
A score of “6” or “7” on the IB Higher Level Economics exam,
A course deemed by the Department of Economics to be equivalent to ECON 002.
Or, in lieu of separate introductory courses in micro and macroeconomics:
One semester of a combined introductory micro and macroeconomics course (ECON 010), which can be fulfilled by a course deemed by the Department of Economics to be equivalent to ECON 010.
A one-semester financial accounting course deemed by the Accounting Departmentto be equivalent to ACCT 101.
A one-semester managerial accounting course deemed by the Accounting Department to be equivalent to ACCT 102.
Two semesters of statistics, which can be fulfilled by courses deemed by theStatistics Department to be equivalent to STAT 101 and 102. (Note that statistics without a calculus prerequisite will not transfer to Penn, a score of "5" on the AP Statistics exam will only fulfill the STAT 101 requirement.)
One semester of intermediate microeconomics which can be fulfilled by a course deemed by the Department of Economics to be equivalent to ECON 101 or a course deemed by the Department of Business Economics and Public Policy to be equivalent to BEPP 250.
It is also recommended that all applicants gain proficiency in a foreign language by the time they enroll at Penn. Proficiency is usually equal to four semesters of college-level language courses and must be demonstrated by passing a proficiency exam at Penn bore graduation.
(1)Transfer applicants are not eligible for coordinated dual-degree programs.
(2)If admitted to a specific school within the University of Pennsylvania as a transfer applicant, a student is not then eligible to transfer between schools. (美国大学本科之间转学被录取之后是不能再在宾大转学院的)
(3) 宾大美国大学本科之间转学的checklist里面是要求提交SAT/ACT成绩的
(4) 成绩单方面有要求:www.aoji.cn
由于申请竞争十分激烈,因此学校要求成绩单上有成绩,不能只显示通过/不通过:If you have taken courses on a PASS/FAIL or CREDIT/NO CREDIT basis, you must have grades or written evaluations of your performance sent by the professor of these courses for them to be transferrable. If you attend a school that records only PASS/FAIL on your transcript for your first-semester or first-year courses, please request that your grades be released on the transcript sent to our office. Due to the competitive nature of Penn's admissions process, it is imperative that we receive either grades or written evaluations.
澳际留学服务团队拥有国内最为精英的咨询顾问。顾问团队由海内外顶尖名校硕士博士和金融咨询实业界精英专家构成;全部咨询师毕业于国内外一流大学。我们主要服务于美国名校或者奖学金申请的客户,我们服务于澳际六步曲(6大步骤,36个服务子项目)以及8大留学精英课程;强调重在参与精神、科学规划和个人素质综合提高、专业选择和海内外求职指导。澳际采用互动分享的Workshop,多对一的个性化辅导,根据申请者个人特性和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作,真正做到Be Yourself和Admission Officers Thinking的完美结合,独创“头脑风暴”挖掘法,帮助申请人全面认识自己。详情了解澳际留学方案请点击:www.aoji.cn
Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲