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College Sample Essays:Discovering Ivy University
Discoveringand choosing a university that fulfills all of my needs was a rigorous yetexciting task. The Ivy U clearly emerged as the best choice for me and I, as agreat match for the university. After visiting the campus, reading theinformation pamphlet, and researching the university Web site, I realize thatIvy offers what I hope to gain from my college experience. In return, I willcontribute to the university as a person with leadership qualities who takes initiativeand enjoys participating in school events.
For manyyears, I have wanted to become a midwife, and the Ivy School of Nursing standsout as the premium institution for such training. The university&apos&aposs closeproximity to many hospitals will familiarize me with patients and hospitallife, allowing me the best training possible.
As anindividual, I will thrive in the intimate and familiar environment of thenursing school, one of Ivy&apos&aposs smallest schools. Coming from a small high school,I was greatly impressed by my visit to the campus, where I noticed the closerelationships between the professors and students, and the strong familyfeeling within the nursing school.
The locationof Ivy&apos&aposs nursing school within the large campus of Ivy&apos&aposs other schools offersmyriad benits. Firstly, I will have the opportunity to take classes in any ofthe other schools at Ivy, and this seamless academic integration will allow meto pursue my interests outside of nursing.
In addition toacademic breadth, there are a greater variety of extra-curricular activitiesavailable on the larger campus. I am excited about continuing my interests insports and theater. I have played on my high school&apos&aposs varsity volleyball teamfor two years and I plan to play volleyball throughout college in Ivy&apos&aposs women&apos&apossclub volleyball. I also performed in The Sound of Music in high school and theTeatron will allow me to actively participate in theater.
As presidentof the student council, I have always promoted school spirit, and I intend tocontinue my enthusiastic involvement throughout my college career. My schoolplaces a large emphasis on test grades and homework, creating a serious moodthroughout the school. As president, I have tried to enrich the schoolexperience by planning events such as school lunches and interesting fieldtrips. I have learned through my role as president to take charge, delegateresponsibilities, be creative, innovative, exciting, and take responsibility. Ihope to use these attributes to contribute to many of the clubs and activitiesoffered at Ivy.
At thebeginning of this school year, I took the initiative and single-handedlystarted a need-based tutoring service to pair weaker students withscholastically competent seniors and juniors. Approximately thirty studentshave been successfully paired and my school has permanently adopted thisprogram. I am thrilled to know that Ivy has a tutoring service to helpimmigrants and political rugees in West Philadelphiawhere I can continue tutoring while in college.
I have chosen to apply earlydecision to the Ivy School of Nursing for I realize that Ivy is the perfectuniversity for me. A college is ultimately as good as the students who attend,and as a well-rounded student who excels academically, socially, and in herextra curricular activities, I feel that I will add to and learn from Ivy andits flourishing environment. I function most fectively in a small academicsetting and will derive all the benits of the university&apos&aposs intimate yet richcampus. I truly believe that I will fulfill my potential by attending the University of Ivy.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲