您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 申请美国本科个人陈述写作指导(全英文).
在申请美国本科时,如果个人陈述(Personal Statement)写作得当,可以很大程度地提高申请者获得录取和奖学金的机会。这对申请美国本科的学生来说是一个绝好的机会。可惜的是很多申请者对TOEFL、GRE可谓呕心沥血,而对个人陈述往往一蹴而就,敷衍了事,内容贫乏,语法错误连篇。下面是一篇全英文的申请美国本科个人陈述写作指导,供大家参考。
Personal Statement Writing Guide
Bore you start to write your personal statement, you should plan carully and work through the Get into Uni personal statement writingguide. This guide will help you shape your personal statement into a masterpiece. As Universities have far more applicants than places, it is imperative that you make an fort to write a compelling personal statement to gain university admission.
Imagine how difficult it must be to read through thousands of application forms with students obtaining ‘A’ grades. How will the admissions officer distinguish your personal statement from the competition? Since many will be rejected at first glance, the admission selector wants subjective criteria to make a decision - the personal statement.
Hot Admission Tips
Get Into Uni surveyed over 50 UK admission officers the responses as follows:
Allow friends, family, and teachers to read through your personal statement and provide feedback.
Write in clear English.
List paragraphs.
Be positive and enthusiastic.
Remember that admissions tutors will read thousands of personal statements, and you want yours to be the one they remember.
Write in short sentences.
Be as clear as possible about why you have chosen your course of study.
Set out the unique features and extracurricular activities that will allow you to be selected ahead of your peers.
Take the opportunity to point out any occurrences or circumstances that may have affected your academic results. Construct the personal statement into 4 to 5 paragraphs. Keep sentences short and succinct.
Understanding what the admission officer would like to read, will be advantageous and make your statement stand out. Below are comments from official admission officers: "The personal statement is very important, because it gives the applicant the opportunity to explain why they have chosen their course of study and university and why they think they would perform well on the course. It also gives the applicant the opportunity to set out their unique features, which they feel should lead them to be ranked ahead of their peers". University of Hertfordshire. Head of the University admissions service.
"At DMU, we are not looking only for students with a sound academic background - we seek students who are motivated and passionate about their subject area and have the potential to succeed in their studies. The graduate job market is competitive and we offer excellent preparation for both undergraduate and postgraduate students to enter or re-enter the world of work, but you have to be prepared to take advantage of the opportunities we offer if you are to succeed. The personal statement is a crucial part of the application process and can make the difference as to whether you are offered a place or not. This is especially true for courses where applicants have not been invited to attend an interview. In these cases, the personal statement is the only chance to sell yourself and give a flavour of whom you are". De Montford University.
"We are seeking aptitude, enthusiasm and genuine passion for the subject. The personal statement is important as a way of gauging motivation and enthusiasm, and helps us to assess the character of the applicant – what interests you and how you express yourself. Admissions tutors want to read statements that are clearly written and show why you are interested in the subject. Above all, be honest – it is easy to tell if work has been cribbed or copied". University of East London. Carol Elliott, Head of Admissions; Hamid Jahankhani, Admissions Tutor, School of Computing & Technology.
It is important that you are aware of your readership because the personal statement should be tailored to what the reader wants to hear. There is no need to embark on writing a long assignment or detailed account of your life as you only have 600 words. A good place to start is to think up techniques like flash backs and turning points in your life. With this in mind, it is usually worth brainstorming, make a note of anything and everything you can think of that might be related to why you wish to study your topic.
Who has influenced you to study your subject?
How have you learnt about your subject?
What experiences and qualifications do you hold
Your future intentions and goals?
You can select and remove anything later on, but, for the moment, you are merely collecting possible material. The most successful form ofwriting is to start to answer the following questions within a time limit of half an hour.
At Get Into Uni we are passionate about your personal statement. By following the advice in our personal statement writing guide and by choosing Get Into Uni to edit your statement, we will instantly help you shape your raw ideas into a work of art. Ok, so now that you have a taster of some of the great things that we do, don’t forget that the personal statement is one of the most important factors in being accepted at your chosen university.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲