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Common Essay 2 + Supplement Essay 1 + Short Answer 1 除了两篇通用论文,还需要一篇补充论文和一篇短论文 Supplement Essay 补充论文 This section of the application gives you an opportunity to present yourself in a way that grades and test scores cannot. The Board of Admissions uses your essay to determine your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself clearly. Accordingly, we ask that you prepare this work entirely on your own. 申请材料的这部分让你有机会以一种你的成绩和考试分数无法达到的效果来展现自己。录取委员会将根据你的论文来确定你的组织思维能力和表达能力。因此,我们要求你完全靠自己来完成论文的写作。 All applicants are required to complete the short essay and essay number one. 所有申请人都需要完成短论文和论文一 Applicants to our accelerated programs (Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program, Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Dental Education Program, or New Jersey Medical School Seven-Year Medical Program) must also complete essay number two. 申请快捷课程(七年人文科学/医学计划、七年人文科学/牙科计划或新泽西医学院七年医学计划)的申请人还必须完成论文二。 Short Essay: In five or six sentences, tell us how you first became interested in BU and what steps you have taken to learn more about us. (Characters available 750) 短论文:请用五或六个句子告诉我们,你最初是怎么对波士顿大学产生兴趣的以及你采取了什么步骤来更多地了解我们。(不超过750个英语字符) Essay #1: Given what you know about Boston University, what do you hope to accomplish as an undergraduate here? Please respond in an essay of no more than 500 words. (Characters available 4000) 论文一:鉴于你对波士顿大学的了解,你希望在该校读本科将取得什么成就?请写一篇不超过500个英语单词的论文来回答此问题。(不超过4000个英语字符) Essay #2: The Accelerated Programs Admissions Committee is interested in learning more about you. Please write an essay of no more than 750 words on why you wish to enter the health professions, including what experiences have led you to this decision and what you hope to gain from your chosen profession. Please make sure your essay is completely distinct from the one you submitted on the Common Application. (Characters available 5000) 论文二:快捷课程录取委员会有兴趣更多地了解你。请用不超过750个英语单词写一篇论文,说明你希望进入医疗卫生行业的理由,包括是什么样的经历促使你做出了这样的决定以及你希望从你选择的行业中收获什么。请确保你的这篇论文与你提交的通用论文完全不同。(不超过5000个英语字符) Short Questions: 短问题 If a member of your family is currently enrolled or has graduated from a degree program at Boston University, please complete the following. 如果你的家庭成员目前就读于波士顿大学或毕业于波士顿大学并获得学位,请完成下列内容。 First Name: 他/她的名 Last Name: 他/她的姓 College: 就读或毕业于波士顿大学的哪个学院 Relationship: 与你的关系
波士顿大学申请论文破题波士顿大学申请论文破题Common Essay 2 + Supplement Essay 1 + Short Answer 1 除了两篇通用论文,还需要一篇补充论文和一篇短论文 Supplement Essay 补充论文 This section of the application gives you an opportunity to present yourself in a way that grades and test scores cannot. The Board of Admissions uses your essay to determine your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself clearly. Accordingly, we ask that you prepare this work entirely on your own. 申请材料的这部分让你有机会以一种你的成绩和考试分数无法达到的效果来展现自己。录取委员会将根据你的论文来确定你的组织思维能力和表达能力。因此,我们要求你完全靠自己来完成论文的写作。 All applicants are required to complete the short essay and essay number one. 所有申请人都需要完成短论文和论文一 Applicants to our accelerated programs (Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program, Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Dental Education Program, or New Jersey Medical School Seven-Year Medical Program) must also complete essay number two. 申请快捷课程(七年人文科学/医学计划、七年人文科学/牙科计划或新泽西医学院七年医学计划)的申请人还必须完成论文二。 Short Essay: In five or six sentences, tell us how you first became interested in BU and what steps you have taken to learn more about us. (Characters available 750) 短论文:请用五或六个句子告诉我们,你最初是怎么对波士顿大学产生兴趣的以及你采取了什么步骤来更多地了解我们。(不超过750个英语字符) Essay #1: Given what you know about Boston University, what do you hope to accomplish as an undergraduate here? Please respond in an essay of no more than 500 words. (Characters available 4000) 论文一:鉴于你对波士顿大学的了解,你希望在该校读本科将取得什么成就?请写一篇不超过500个英语单词的论文来回答此问题。(不超过4000个英语字符) 上12下
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