

留学申请文书写作之COVER LETTER模板.

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  在一整包留学申请材料中,申请人往往重视PS(个人陈述)、CV(简历)等留学申请文书文书,但其实有一个小申请文书是真个材料包的门面,它就是CL—COVER LETTER,以下给各位同学总结一个实用的模板,供大家参考。

  Dear Graduate Admission Committee,

  Enclosed is the application supporting materials of XXXX, which is submitted to be considered for admission of Doctoral program in XXXX of XXXX Reserve University. The packet includes supporting materials listed below:

  Cover letter

  Official Undergraduate Transcript

  Two-page Curriculum Vitae

  Two-page Statement of Objectives

  Rank Certification

  Honor Certification

  Three Letters of Rerence from Prof. XXX, Prof. XXX and XXX, respectively.

  Title pages of my two main publications

  For your convenience, I also enclosed the photocopy of my TOEFL score reports. And the official score has already been requested to report directly to your university by ETS. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries regarding my application.

  Thank you for your kind consideration.

  Sincerely Yours,


  留学申请文书之COVER LETTER的功能就是简单介绍自己申请的意向以及整个申请材料的内容,同时简单说明 TOEFL等标准化考试成绩已经委托ETS寄出的信息,这样的一份Cover Letter就能够非常清晰明了的介绍一个申请人的申请材料概况。想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:


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