

哈佛大学Essay范文 Researching Cancer.

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  这是一篇成功申请到美国哈佛大学的Essay范文,Essay短文的题材类型为CAREER,Essay的话题是围绕Research Cancer展开的,在Essay范文最后给出了点评与分析,大家可以参考一下。

  Harvard University Undergraduate Application Essay:"Researching Cancer"

  I TROD THE MUD IN THE misty spring rain. It was Qing Ming, the holiday in China when we honored our deceased ancestors. On the ground of the cemetery, drenched fowers lay in my grandfather&apos&aposs remembrance. That morning—a month bore my sixth birthday—I clung tightly to my mother&apos&aposs sleeves and fnally learned why he passed away.

  My grandfather had been a victim of cancer. Because the diagnosis came too late, all treatment was futile. As my mother whispered this to me with gri in her eyes, I stomped angrily in the mud. I blamed the doctors who couldn&apos&apost fnd the tumor in time to save him. That rainy morning launched my dream to help cure cancer—a common wish, but one that fueled a life-changing pursuit. Knowing that the best protection against cancer was to detect it as early as possible, I examined the widely used methods of detection. I read about mammography and was astounded to learn that it failed to detect a large percentage of cases. As I wondered how to make detection more accurate, I heard about a research internship program at ____ Cancer Center. I jumped at the opportunity.

  There, my mentors encouraged me to investigate cancer&apos&aposs genetic causes. I became intrigued by a gene suspected to play a role in the onset of breast cancer. We examined a process of gene-silencing—known as methylation—that changed DnA structure while keeping the sequence itself intact. Through a series of assays, we pinpointed the methylated sites in the gene sequence that distinguished cancerous breast cells from healthy cells. These were markers of disease!The thrill came from knowing the vast clinical applications of the discovery.www.aoji.cn Finding such markers is a step toward the individualization of cancer treatment. genomics-based diagnostics would detect cancer earlier than traditional procedures. Also, since methylation does not change the DnA sequence, it is reversible. Therapeutics could target these sites and minimize harm to healthy tissue.

  Personalized cancer diagnostics promise a new dawn, but they are not yet reality. Many more genes need to be studied bore we can fully comprehend the roots of the disease. Awed by the complexity of cancer, I realized that my dream was much more intricate than I imagined. However, my youthful passion in medicine did not dwindle. Instead, it strengthened and matured into a strategy. As my vague goals shaped into specifc inquiries, my curiosity became insatiable. The joy of uncovering the unknown affrmed my love for science. My generation will keep pushing the boundaries of knowledge, and nothing would give me more fulfllment than continuing to fght in the war on cancer.I recall that rainy Qing Ming morning when I gazed at my grandfather&apos&aposs gravesite. I wish I could tell him about the adventure he inspired. This war will be arduous, but every little "eureka!" along the way is a portent of victory.


  The author of this essay might have taken the boring approach of just describing where she worked and what she did while researching, but she found a way to tie her research to a personal experience. By explaining in detail why the research was intellectually challenging to her, the author gave readers clues to her character. From her childhood experience, we understand her motivation for wanting to help fnd a cure for cancer. Learning about her grandfather&apos&aposs death sheds light on why she sought out an internship at the cancer center and why she now has an interest in pursuing a career in the feld. It always adds meaning to a student&apos&aposs career goals when we understand the roots of his or her interest. Many students make the mistake of sharing lofty dreams such as fnding the cure to cancer but don&apos&apost back them up with actual actions that show that they are working toward making a difference. This student not only presents the global problem but demonstrates how she has and will continue to play a role in addressing it.As the author describes her internship, she clearly explains what she did to research cancer.www.aoji.cn Most importantly, she outlines it in a way that is understandable to a layperson. As readers, we can easily conceive the subject&apos&aposs intellectual hold on her. This student&apos&aposs writing provides enough detail that we understand the complexity of her research but not so much that we are bogged down with too much information. It&apos&aposs not enough to just state what you did; it&apos&aposs more compelling to explain why.

  In the ffth paragraph, the student ties her past experiences to her future plans. She explains that she intends to pursue a career in the sciences and to continue cancer research. Admissions offcers like to understand the direction that students are taking so that they can visualize how they will contribute to society while undergraduates and after graduation as well. They want to know why you are pursuing a career feld and what you hope to achieve as a part of it.

  In the last paragraph, the student rers back to her personal experience. She wraps up the essay in a highly relatable way by connecting her grandfather&apos&aposs death to the intellectual excitement of cancer research as it applies to her career plans. She packs a lot into a short amount of space but does so in a way that fows smoothly and keeps our interest.





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