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申请Haverford College哈维福德学院的Essay范文:Honor Code
by Merudh Vijay Patel - December 01, 2005
How do you think Haverford&apos&aposs Honor Code will help you grow.
"Honor" is not a concept easily described in words. To the contrary, it is far easier to reveal honor through one&apos&aposs actions. It is a dining quality in a person&apos&aposs character, as well as an indispensable requirement for any strong relationship. Imbedding honor into a situation facilitates the creation of a relationship based on trust and respect.
I am fortunate enough to have spent the past four years in an environment that has taught me the importance of conducting oneself with honor. My secondary school is run by the honor code, and thus places a great deal of responsibility on the shoulders of its students. The honor code at my school transcends the confines of the classroom, manifesting in each student&apos&aposs personal life, as well. The honor code that the students abide by has created a community that conducts itself in a manner that can only be described as admirable.
The honor code endorsed by my school has had a significant impact on many different aspects of my life. It is a reli to attend a school where the pupils do not have to lock their lockers, because they know that their privacy will be respected. It is liberating to be able to discuss ideas freely with my peers, without fearing that any cheating will take place. Most importantly, it is invigorating to know that the relationships between my friends and I are characterized first and foremost by admiration and respect.
One of the primary reasons that I hope to attend Haverford College is that I wish to continue my education in a community that emphasizes mutual respect. I firmly believe that I will be able to uphold everything that the honor code stands for, and appreciate the many benits that the system confers upon students. I also believe that continued participation in the honor code system will have a marked impact on the rest of my life, cementing in my mind the importance of respect and responsibility.
George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "The most tragic thing in the world is a man of genius who is not a man of honor." Haverford&apos&aposs emphasis on the honor code allows its students to graduate not only having received a first-class education, but having gained a life-long lesson in respect.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲