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  虽然美国大学留学的录取结果是通过综合考量GPA、标准化考试成绩、以及课外活动等方面,但申请综合排名前50的大学,美国留学文书Essay始终是制胜环节。除了Common Application系统要求的两篇Essay保持不变以外,各学校的Essay题目历年都会有所变化。可无论怎么变,都无外乎几种主要类型。本文对一些常见Essay Topic进行了分类,并将每一类的写作思路和选材角度做了详细介绍。

  I&apos&aposm No Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  by Arielle Ring - October 01, 2002

  Personal Statement

  A few years ago, USA Today named the star of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Sarah Michelle Gellar, the epitome of the modern feminist. Declaring "with her take-no-prisoners attitude...vampire-slaying Buffy Summers has become... a feminist hero who&apos&aposs smart, tough and self-reliant," the beautiful blonde was apotheosized by younger girls. When asked about feminism, she explained, "Feminism sort of has a negative connotation. It makes you think of women that don&apos&apost shave their legs." Does Gellar consider herself a feminist? "I hate the word," she replied. Why is the public so uncomfortable with the word "feminism?" Society implores women to strive to be smart and strong, but to be too smart or too strong is discouraged. Instead, too many settle for being a "Buffy," a female with incredible potential kept in check by contemporary culture&apos&aposs dinition of "woman."

  Last year, one of my teachers cracked a sexist joke and I commented that I found it inappropriate. He informed me the class was "mature enough" for such content. After class ended, a male student rudely inquired, "Are you a feminist?" as if it were a disease. I immediately reverted to a densive mode, feeling the burden to justify not only my opinions, but also the entire platform of feminism; for a moment, like Gellar, I did not want to associate myself with a term so disgracul. Looking back on the incident, I wish I would have had the courage I now possess to dend my belis. I am willing to take the risk of standing up against a popular opinion if I do not believe it to be right.

  Perhaps I illuminate the paradox many modern women face. On one hand, I embody the prototypical, devoted female, assuaging the plight of Romanian orphans and donating countless hours to the Second Harvest Food Bank of the Inland Northwest. Numerous local and national accolades verify my role as a nurturer and "do-gooder." But when I step into a cross-examination debate round where the object is to establish your case and tear apart the opposing side, I risk being considered too assertive, too aggressive, and too competitive, while all of these traits are seen as desirable qualities in my male opponents. Sadly, many believe that to be "feminine" one must remain passive, a role I ruse to accept.

  Am I a feminist? If that means I take risks to make my convictions known and strive to be smart and strong, then people can call me that if society must label me. But feminism does not dine who I am, it&apos&aposs merely a term to describe some of my principles. I do not advocate every issue grounded in the feminist agenda. Feminism neglects my passion for competition, my desire to enact change, and my love of history. Feminism fails to capture my compelling feelings on Weapons of Mass Destruction or on the high levels of poverty in my hometown of Spokane. No one term elucidates my fear of failure, nor my aspiration to transform others through journalism. Instead, feminism is just one of the many terms I use to express myself, and to differentiate myself from Buffy.

  面临着大批的申请者,招生委员会是如何快速有效的筛选出优秀的申请者呢?当然,他们无非是看申请者的硬件及软件。所谓硬件,是指申请者自身的高中学校背景(包括高中各科成绩)和标准化考试成绩(TOEFL/ IELTS/SAT等语言考试)。软件则是指申请者的推荐人,推荐信内容,主essay,简历和所申请学校的命题小essay。想要了解更多关于“美国本科留学文书”的信息,请拨打免费留学热线:400-601-0022,或者直接点击网页上的“在线咨询”,与我们的留学专家一对一沟通交流!

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