


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:368 移动端



  申请美国本科文书结尾示例 1

  I would like to thank the admissions committee for considering my application. It is my sincere hope that you will grant me the opportunity to attend your fine school.

  申请美国本科文书结尾示例 2

  In sum, there are three reasons why you should admit me......

  申请美国本科文书结尾示例 3

  From the college guide and my adviser's recommendation, I am pleased to learn that your program has a highly qualified faculty and ample resources. It will be the best place for me to pursue an individualized plan of studies. If possible, my major interest in the future will reside in the following areas? Signal Processing, Image Processing, and DSP. The undergraduate education was very general, so if you feel that any other areas are more suitable for me, some comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated.





  美国本科申请文书结尾示例 4

  I want my legal education to make a bigger difference than I can as an engineer, but wish a strong family to draw upon I cannot help but live a successful life.

  美国本科申请文书结尾示例 5

  Ultimately, I aim to gain a faculty position at a university and to continue my involvement in innovative research in the field while directly encouraging the development of aspiring engineers, both in the classroom and laboratory. In this manner I believe I can make a significant and purposul contribution to the scientific community while gaining a great deal of personal satisfaction.


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