


2017/07/21 01:33:54 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:211 移动端


  美国留学文书写作个人陈述:Personal Statement(Psychology)

  美国留学文书写作:I first realized I wanted to study Psychology when studying Drama, because in order to portray characters I had to understand their mind and develop their personality. I found the differences in characters were so vast that it made me want to understand these variations. Since beginning the course in College I have been truly captivated by all areas of psychological theory and research, and am eager to contribute to the understanding we have about the behaviour of human and non-human animals. In particular, I am fascinated by the fundamental debates in Psychology, for example the nature nurture debate. A Forensic and Investigative Psychology conference I attended, presented by Professor David Canter, caught my attention as I found it intriguing that people can behave in such a way that will offend others and often feel little or no remorse. After reading his book, "Mapping Murder", my interest in abnormality and psychopathology rapidly increased, as his book and conference allowed me to understand the psychology behind this type of behaviour, amplifying my interest in the subject. I enjoy reading about different studies that have been conducted in the past, which I can analyze and evaluate to obtain a more advanced understanding of behaviors exhibited.


  As a peer mentor, my job was to attend to the needs of younger or more vulnerable students and to offer them full support. This job requires patience and compassion, along with willingness to help and motivate others. I have received certificates and awards for good behaviour, attendance, punctuality and performing arts, demonstrating my enthusiasm in everything I do. My work experience in the retail industry has given me the chance to develop critical skills which are essential such as; good communication with others, a strong determination to achieve my best and dedication to all work I undertake. As an A2 Psychology student, I received the Student of the Month award for my outstanding enthusiasm, fort and achievement. Drama & Theatre Studies has given me an alternative perception of human behaviour, the intensity of emotions and the variations inherent in that. Music Technology has helped me develop my analytical and concentration skills. I am also a member of the Student Council, where I represent my fellow students and have a great responsibility to ensure that their views are heard and acted upon.



  美国本科留学申请对SSAT /TOEFL成绩的要求,不同学校有不同标准。在所有接收中国学生的学校中,有60%的学校不需要SSAT成绩。对TOEFL成绩,不同学校也有不同规定。具体学校的要求参看澳际网站各学校详细介绍。www.aoji.cn

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