


2017/07/21 01:26:44 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:377 移动端


  美国大学文书之布朗大学范文:Highabove the Earth in a starship from the Andromeda Galaxy, two aliens standgazing out a viewport at the brilliant blue orb below. They are intergalacticscouts, sent from the planet Nerfon to gather information on this strangecivilization recently discovered by Nerfonian astronomers. Zilbub, ahigh-ranking military officer, has the task of gauging the Earth’s militarystrength. Zarkon, a Nerfonian anthropologist, has been assigned to gather all possibleinformation concerning Earth’s culture…

  “Well, Zarkon, my duties are nearlycompleted. It has been quite an easy task to monitor the military activities ofthe Earth creatures from here. But your task intrigues me. Just how do youpropose to gather information regarding this strange and primitive culture?”

  “I have decided that the best way to do thiswill be to replace an entrant into an Earth ‘university’ with one of ourrobotic spy clones. This action will provide us with unlimited acsess to a hugestorehouse of information without causing any undue alarm among the Earthmen.Hopully, they will never notice the switch.”

  美国大学文书范文:“Am I to assume that you have already found asuitable candidate for replacement?”

  “Yes, Zilbub. He is called Eric Maki, and isan applicant to the institute of higher learning the Earthlings call ‘BrownUniversity.’”

  “Ah, yes… ‘Brown’… I have heard the name mentionedin Earthling transmissions. It would be quite an accomplishment to have one ofour agents inside such a place. But are you sure this ‘Eric Maki’ will beadmitted to Brown?”

  “Well, Zilbub, we cannot be absolutelycertain. The Earthlings who control the ‘universities’ employ other Earthlings,called ‘admissions officer,’ to determine such things. In my opinion, however,he seems a most promising candidate.”

  “Hmmm… what are the characteristics of thiscreature?”

  “Physically, he is five and one-half Earth ‘feet’tall. He will certainly never be a member of the association of giants theEarthlings call the ‘National Basketball Association.’ Fortunately, though,extreme height is not a requirement for entry into the place called ‘Brown.’”

  “Does the creature hold any position ofimportance among his fellow beings?”

  “He is a leader among those of his age,holding a local position they call ‘senior call president.’”

  “Ah… a leader… he may be the kind of creatureI can identify with … tell me, Zarkon—does he use his power to subjugate andconquer other Earthlings?”

  美国大学文书范文:“No, Zilbub, you misunderstand. His mainfunction is to organize his fellow beings-‘classmates,’ to use the Earthterm-in preparation for year-end ceremonies called ‘the prom’ and ‘graduation.’He also serves as a representative of his ‘class’ in dealings with the olderEarthlings known as ‘school administrators.’ He was elected to this position,rather than ready-grown in a test tube , as our leaders are back on Nerfon.”

  “This ‘democratic process’ by which theyselect their leaders is quite amusing to me. Besides, a leader without amilitary to enforce his decisions seems hopelessly powerless.”

  “Nevertheless, Zilbub, he is a representativeof over one hundred fellow Earthmen. It is a position of great responsibility,even if he has no armies to command. He has, judging by many observations,performed his duties well.”

  “I am curious, Zarkon… as to how these Earthcreatures select a leader such as this one; what qualities does this ‘Eric Maki’possess which distinguish him from the others?”

  “According to the data I have collected, heseems to be of aboveaverage intelligence, doing well in his studies and on the ‘ScholasticAptitude Test,’ a much-feared trial among the Earth creatures. Also, he seemsto derive much satisfaction from helping his fellow ‘students’-an activity Ibelieve is called ‘tutoring.”

  “’Tutoring,’ eh? The charity these creaturesshow toward each other disgusts me. Does he have any other notablecharacteristics?”

  “Yes. The one that interested me the most iswhat they call a good ‘sense of humor,’ something quite unknown on our planetsince ancient times. It seems that the ability to perceive things in a ‘humorous’way and make other creatures ‘laugh’ is highly prized on the Earth. Thisability enables one to make friends and generally put other Earthlings at ease.”

  “This… ‘sense of humor,’ did you say? Seems amost illogical trait. We Nerfonians have advanced quite highly without such athing. I suppose I should not let it bother me; there are many things aboutthese Earthlings which dy understanding. Besides, you are the culturalexpert; if you think we can gain a foothold in ‘Brown University’ through this ‘EricMaki,’ we might as well try it. When shall we instruct the technicians back onNerfon to begin the contrustion of an android to replace him?”

  “I think it would be wise, Zilbub, to returnhome and wait awhile. The only possible hitch in my plan would be a ‘rejectionletter’ a notice to Eric Maki that he has been denied admission.”

  “And what if he is rejected, Zarkon, whatthen?”

  “Obviously, my dear Zilbub, the next stepwould be to replace the brown admissions staff with our androids. We would thenbe able to admit anyone we wanted. Think of it-we could admit a student bodymade up entirely of Nerfonian spy clones-what a glorious day that would be! Butfor the moment, we must be patient; the admissions decision will not be finalfor several Earth ‘months’”

  “I am curious, Zarkon, as to what will becomeof the original Eric Maki after our android has replaced him?”

  “I was contemplating depositing him in theinsterplanetary zoo on Nerfon. He has several other talents which might beinteresting to visitors there. Spends much time attached to a thing called a ‘saxophone,’creating weird and chilling sounds. He also rides a device called a ‘bicycle’great distances at high velocities for no apparent reason. An exhibit like thatcould cause a larger sensation than the four-headed grooble from Dorcon IV. Wecould be two extremely rich Nerfonians for capturing such a one.”

  “You are shrewder than I had previouslythought, Zarkon. But as you say, we must wait until the ‘month’ of ‘April.’ Letus set a course for home.”

  “Yes, Zilbub. I long to breathe the sweet,fresh methane of our atmosphere again.”

  Their conversation ended, the two aliens movetheir craft out of orbit and back out into the inky blackness of space…


  Thumbs up for the high degree ofcreativity displayed here. This will surely grab and hold the attention of theearth creatures on the admissions committee. Eric is a talented writer, with afine sense of humor, and many other positive things to offer his college. Thedownside is that most of the information about himself contained in the essayrepresents information found elsewhtere-already-in Eric’s applicationmaterials. We must applaud this original approach to answering the question-butshould also caution against gimmickry for its own sake. There are a fewspelling errors Eric should have spotted: “access,” “perceive,” “technician.”(RJO)



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