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  美国本科留学推荐信模板:Recommendation Letter

  To whom it may concern,

  I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mr. Xiangwei Han, one of the outstanding students in our Jiangsu Province Pei County Middle School.

  Since his enrollment into our school with remarkable entrance scores, Han has embodied the fine character of strong inquisition and industriousness in learning, which has gained him significant academic records during his three years in our school. I am aware of his distinctive academic performance as rlected in his transcripts. He has been awarded diplomas of “Three Goods Student” almost every year. Mr. Xiangwei Han has a strong desire to further his studies and wants to learn more advanced knowledge as well as practical skills in the United States.

  As to his character and personality, he is indeed a courteous, pleasant and good young boy. And he is able to communicate well with others in both written and spoken English. Besides he gets almost everything ready to study in the US. Thus, I strongly support his application, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could give him your favorable consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  Chen Xi

  English Teacher

  美国本科留学推荐信模板:Jiangsu Province Pei County Middle School Tel:86-25-8765432 Email:abc@abc.com

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  澳际六步曲服务体系由六大步骤和36项子模块组成,核心内容包括留学理性规划和背景提升、考试个性化辅导、文书创作和学校申请、套磁和面试、签证辅导及后期服务、海内外求职。澳际六步曲体系贯穿澳际所有服务项目:美国名校本科申请,名校硕士申请,博士奖学金申请,TOP 20 MBA精英申请,英国/加拿大TOP 10申请等。澳际六步曲服务体系适合人群:适合现在高一、高二、大一、大二和大三的学生,希望自己未雨绸缪,从根本上提升申请竞争力,从而于毕业之际成功步入世界名校。详细了解澳际六步曲:www.aoji.cn

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