

申请康奈尔大学的Essay范文5:Accounting and Art.

2017/07/21 00:41:02 编辑: 浏览次数:310 移动端

Accounting and Art by Anonymous - December 01, 2003 What are some of your most notable awards, honors, or achievements in academic or extracurricular areas? Which one is the best? [ed. -- obviously not verbatim] My surprise at winning the district FBLA Accounting competition was understandable. Accountants are, on the whole, prosaic individuals, and I didn&apos&apost consider myself a prosaic person. Or an accountant, for that matter. Yet I did win, and as a sophomore I received the opportunity to advance to the state competition. Emboldened by my surprise triumph, I studied bookkeeping after school with Mr. Belscher, my avuncular and encouraging accounting teacher, in preparation for Orlando. My hard work paid off when I won first in the state competition. Out of the entire body of first-level accounting students in Florida, I was (assuming testing is an accurate measure of intelligence) the best. Needless to say, having never bore won anything of that magnitude, the victory boosted my self-esteem greatly. Despite my aptitude, I never ended up becoming an accountant. Or prosaic. Instead, I gravitated towards liberal pursuits: writing and drama. Senior year, I wrote a parodic skit and performed the lead role for the Humanities Society&apos&aposs Homecoming festival entry. Thanks to the hard work of all those involved, we won second. (Naturally, we&apos&aposd have won first had the judges been able to appreciate quality.) Apparently, the skit garnered us amateurs some notice, as a week later, our school&apos&aposs thespians director invited us to try out for parts in a stage performance of a Titanic documentary. I ultimately portrayed Third Officer Herbert Pitman, who survived and I assume became an accountant.

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