

Boston University Essay范文:A Trilogy&apos&aposs Lessons.

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A Trilogy&apos&aposs Lessons by Sarah Daniel - September 12, 2003 What is the most memorable book - good or bad - you have ever read and why? Knowledge is a fickle matter. Some things we learn will stay with us until our deathbed, while others will leave with the speed of a hummingbird&apos&aposs wings. By far the most memorable piece of literature I have ever read is J.R.R. Tolkien&apos&aposs The Lord of the Rings. This trilogy is the story of a group of nine companions who set out to destroy a ring that, if brought to the hands of the dark lord Sauron, would bring destruction to the world. It is the tale of how the races of the world, with all their differences, band together for Middle-earth&apos&aposs future, in a final attempt to stay the hand of evil. The books are filled with the usual tales of good versus evil and love conquering all. But on a deeper level, Tolkien&apos&aposs masterpiece is about friendship - sticking together until the very end. This is seen through the last, desperate journey of Frodo and Sam as they crawl slowly towards Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring. It is this loyalty that makes The Lord of the Rings so appealing to readers, generation after generation. Perhaps most important in the trilogy, however, is the lesson of sacrifices. As Frodo says bore he leaves Middle-earth forever, "It must often be so, when things are in danger: someone has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them." The lessons learned through Frodo&apos&aposs sacrifices to Middle-earth are timeless, as are Tolkien&apos&aposs tales of friendship, bravery and love. This perfect combination makes The Lord of the Rings a work that I will appreciate and remember for many, many years to come.

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