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  1. 美国本科申请essay范文:What events, activities or achievements have contributed to your own self-development?

  2. Describe a situation in which you had significant responsibility and what you learned from it.

  3. Describe your strengths and weaknesses in two areas: setting and achieving goals, and working with other people.

  4. 美国大学essay范文:Your career aspirations and factors leading you to apply to this course at this time. Describe a challenge to which you have successfully responded. What did you learn about yourself as you responded to this challenge? Describe a challenge you anticipate facing in any aspect of college life. On the basis of what you learned from your earlier response, how do you expect to deal with this challenge?

  5. 美国本科essay范文:Describe and evaluate one experience that significantly influenced your academic interests. The experience might be a high school course, a job, a relationship, or an extracurricular activity. Be sure to explain how this experience led to your setting the goals you now have for yourself, and why you think the academic program for which you are applying will help you to reach those goals.

  6. 美国本科申请essay示例:Describe your educational, personal or career goals.

  7. Role Model - If you could meet/be/have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and why?

  8. Past Experience - Describe an event that has had a great impact on you and why?

  9. What was your most important activity/course in high school and why?

  10. Forecast important issues in the next decade, century - nationally, globally.

  11. Why do you want to study at this university?

  12. Tell us something about yourself, your most important activities?

  13. How would your room, computer or car describe you?

  14. 美国本科申请essay示例:List all your activities for the past four years. Include school activities; awards, honors, and offices held; community services; jobs; and travel. Record major travel experiences. Note your strongest impressions and how they affected you. If you loved the Grand Canyon, for example, write down three specific reasons why, aside from the grandeur and beauty that everyone loves. Describe an accomplishment that you had to struggle to achieve. Include what it was, how you tackled it, and how it changed you.

  15. Think of one or two sayings that you've heard again and again around your house since childhood. How have they shaped your life? What personality traits do you value most in yourself? Choose a few and jot down examples of how each has helped you. Think of things that other people often say about you. Write about whether or not you agree with their assessments and how they make you feel.

  16. Brainstorm "top ten" lists in a few selected categories: favorite books, plays, movies, sports, eras in history, famous people, etc. Review your list to see which items stand out and describe what they've added to your life. Describe "regular people" who have motivated you in different ways throughout your life. It could be someone you only met once, a third-grade teacher, or a family member or friend.



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