


2017/07/21 00:12:19 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:252 移动端


  UC-Berkeley 加州伯克利大学优秀入学申请范文

  这篇美国essay个人陈述作者是Hannah Edwards ,其现在为2013级UC-Berkeley (加州大学伯克利分校)的一名预录生。作者以前有着阅读障碍,其在开始的时候,就描述自己了努力拼读Beautiful这一个单词的过程。作者首先是逃避,最后是面对问题,其最终报考了SAT,并取得了不错的成绩。

  美国大学essay范文:“Beautiful. B to the back, b to the back. So b first. beautiful. Next, it’s that French thing. Gosh … Uea, no e … a … u. Eau. So beau. Beautiful. Ti. That’s easy. Beauti. Beautiful. Full. No not full: ful. They chop that l off, so b-eau-ti-ful.”

  I’ve just spent 30 seconds agonizing over how to spell one of the more basic words in the English language and a good part of that time trying to remember how to write the letter b. That sequence is partially a flash back to a fourth grade spelling test, but honestly, it’s a thought process I will have to go through about a hundred times this year with equally basic words because I am, and always will be, dyslexic.

  I have never been able to spell, but it wasn’t until 4th grade that I found out the, ironically hard to spell, word for my condition. When everyone did realize what was going on and why it was that I got Cs in spelling, I was packed off to resource room (i.e. Special Ed) to learn how to write pretty.

  美国大学essay范文:At first I liked it. Resource room gave me an excuse not to do well in spelling, and it let me spend class time doing silly spelling exercises. It let me avoid my problem and at the same time pretend I was doing something to correct it, but in all honesty it was just a waste of time. I didn’t want to recognize its futility at first, but eventually I couldn’t ignore it and had to come to terms with the fact that resource room was aspirin for a broken arm: It made things seem a bit better, but it did nothing to fix the problem. When I came to terms with this I convinced my mother to take me out of resource room and that I could take responsibility for my own problem, and that is exactly what I did, and have done ever since.

  I was freed from resource room on the condition that I get A’s on every other spelling test that year, which I did. Since then I have realized that I can never allow myself to live life in a metaphorical resource room. I must take accountability and responsibility for myself, and not accept special treatment where there is anyway I can avoid it. This philosophy was tested last year when I was signing up for the SAT.(美国essay范文示例)

  My mother was handing over her credit card when she asked me if I thought extra time would be usul on the SAT.

  “Well, yeah,” I said smiling as I took her credit card, “that essay is insane, 25 minutes makes for some nasty results.”

  “Why don’t you apply to get some extra time? If it will help you should,” she suggested, “you’re eligible.”

  “No. It’s an artificial compensation that would only last as long as schools are forced to provide it; the real world can’t make those kind of concessions so I can’t take that crutch.”

  My mother offered no resistance to my stance and I typed in her AmEx number while I rlected on the implications of my denial. I have spent a lot of time agonizing over how to spell the simplest words, and I doubt anyone has quite attained my level of red underlines in a word document, but that just means checking the dictionary and an age spent poring over SpellCheck. I have never taken extra time or other benits on standardized tests and I never will, because that is not how I want to succeed. I want to sink or swim on my own and not use water wings to get through the world. I don’t want to do well for someone with dyslexia; I want to do well period. At this point my inability to spell is more of a punchline to my friends’ jokes than a disability and I am determined to keep it that way, because I have worked too hard to let something so trivial in the grand scheme dine me.


  美国留学申请名校相对固定的招生名额也让申请的门槛越来越高,相应成功的机率也越来越低。2007-2013年度的申请结果显示,越来越多的SAT 2000+的高分得主与名校擦肩而过。2014年美国本科申请将益发上演空前激烈的竞争,澳际留学以全球视野的专业水平,全力以赴的敬业态度,无限扩大您成功的可能。通向美国大学的大门您触手可得:www.aoji.cn

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