


2017/07/21 00:11:53 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:388 移动端


  美国商科essay范文-MIT-M.Fin-Fall 2015

  We are interested in learning more about you andhow you work, think, and act.

  美国留学essay:Please limit the experiences you discuss to thosethat have occurred in the past three years.

  美国本科申请essay1: The mission of the Master of FinanceProgram at MIT Sloan is to create the next generation of principled, globalfinancial leaders with state-of-the-art training in modern finance theories andmethods. Our program attracts the best and brightest students who go on toadvance financial management practice and improve the world. (这里的重点是yourpast experiences, accomplishments, and personal qualities如何能够保障你实现长期目标(这个长期目标其实就是它讲的the next generation of global financial leaders,它们其实要求你的长期目标必须是globalfinancial leaders中的一种,成为金融领域或者和金融领域密切相关领域的弄潮儿)Please discuss past academic and professional experiences andaccomplishments that will help you succeed in the MFin Program. Includeachievements in finance, math, statistics and computer science as applicable. (其实就是Whathave you done to prepare,而这里所指的你所做过的事情,你目前都有哪些储备);Describe your short and long-term professional goals. How will our MFindegree help you achieve these goals? (长短期职业目标是什么?目标最好是具有社会责任感的,而绝不是那种以自我为中心的,这个好理解,不再赘述。how will this program help you,则是从你的角度表述的如何弥补你的劣势,你想进一步获得什么(能力劣势,知识劣势,经验劣势)Share personal qualities that will enable you to contribute to theadvancement of our mission. Relevant, verifiable details such as awards,rankings, media rerences, etc., are requested. Responses should be written inessay format (750 words or fewer).这个就很好理解了,你的个人特性,其他你想让你了解的东西。



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