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Rochester Simon Business School Admission Essays
Please limit each response to no more than 500 words.
罗切斯特申请美国大学essay题目1. Describe your post-M.B.A. or post-M.S. career plans. How will a degree from the Simon School help you to achieve these goals? How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? What aspects of the Simon School program make it a good choice for your graduate study?
罗切斯特申请美国大学essay题目2. Discuss three accomplishments which demonstrate your potential as a successful leader.
罗切斯特申请美国大学essay题目3. Answer one of the following questions:
Cite and explain a specific situation in which you demonstrated initiative.
Describe a failure or setback that you have experienced. How did you overcome this setback? What, if anything, would you do differently if confronted with this situation again?
罗切斯特申请美国大学essay题目4. (Optional) Share any information that you think is important in the evaluation of your application, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding your application.
美国本科留学申请对SSAT /TOEFL成绩的要求,不同学校有不同标准。在所有接收中国学生的学校中,有60%的学校不需要SSAT成绩。对TOEFL成绩,不同学校也有不同规定。具体学校的要求参看澳际网站各学校详细介绍。www.aoji.cn
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲