


2017/07/21 00:10:48 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:207 移动端


  纽约大学(New York University),简称NYU ,是一所位于美国纽约市的私立研究型大学;也是美国一座坐落于纽约心脏地带的世界顶尖名校。学校于1831年成立,今日已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构,在各类大学排名中均名列前茅。那么高中申请纽约大学本科的话,如何写Essay呢?


  美国本科essay:What intrigues you? Tell us about one work of art, scientific achievement, piece of literature, method of communication, or place in the world (a film, book, performance, website, event, location, etc.), and explain its significance to you.


  I turned my head and, for a fraction of a second, we made eye contact. In that moment, her lips parted into a smile. Her cheeks rose. The smile widened further as it reached her eyes, crinkles forming around it. Those few telltale signs were all it took for me to know that this time the smile was real.

  美国留学essay范文:It intrigues me just how much one can decipher from facial expressions alone. Eyebrows drawn upwards in the middle for a fraction of a second and rapid eye fluttering can betray a lie. Raised upper lip with a wrinkled nose bridge, on the other hand, are signs of disgust. Every time a muscle contracts, an eyelid flutters or a lip shifts, it tells a story. Expressions often say more than words are capable of. They form a medium of communication that never lies, betraying every emotion, every secret hidden beneath the surface.

  My mom says that my eyes are very expressive. Whether I’m happy, hurt, angry, or even excited, the emotion rlects in my eyes. Fascinated, I made an attempt interpreting information from the faces of people around me. I noticed that what I saw on their faces added emotion to verbal conversation, giving it deeper meaning. Their expressions added another dimension to communication, helping me understand them better.


  澳际 12 SEMINAR在澳际六步曲的基础上,定制出的针对美国研究生申请的升级版服务流程,涵盖了整个留学申请环节的每一个细节。

  Seminar 1时间规划&职业解析

  Seminar 2专业解析

  Seminar 3学术背景提升&推荐人选择

  Seminar 4实习指导

  Seminar 5头脑风暴

  Seminar 6项目研究&学校选定

  Seminar 7文书讨论

  Seminar 8网申指导&套磁指导

  Seminar 9面试辅导

  Seminar 10签证辅导

  Seminar 11海外生存指南

  Seminar 12考试辅导

  详情了解澳际 12 SEMINAR:www.aoji.cn

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