


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:220 移动端

前20所美国最具价值大学TOP 20 &apos&aposVALUE&apos&apos PICKS


1. University of Virginia (Charlottesville)

2. City University of New York - Hunter College (New York, N.Y.)

3. New College of Florida (Sarasota)

4. Florida State University (Tallahassee)

5. University of Colorado-Boulder

6. State University of New York-Binghamton

7. University of Georgia (Athens)

8. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Blacksburg)

9. Texas A&M University (College Station)

10. University of Oklahoma (Norman)


1. Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, Pa.)

2. Harvard College (Cambridge, Mass.)

3. Wesleyan College (Macon, Ga.)

4. Princeton University (Princeton, N.J.)

5. Yale University (New Haven, Conn.)

6. Williams College (Williamstown, Mass.)

7. Rice University (Houston, Texas)

8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Mass.)

9. Amherst College (Amherst, Mass.)

10. Wellesley College (Wellesley, Mass.)

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