


2017/07/20 23:49:25 编辑: 浏览次数:983 移动端

前些日子贴出了一个GPA的对照表,那只是一个单科的GPA算法,但是我们使用更多的是所有科目的总GPA,也就是在申请留学时常常困扰同学们的那个数字。UIUC使用的是4.0Scale(即4.0是满分), 所以国内有些学校用的是5.0 Scale, 肯定是不能直接拿来用的。即使你原来学校用的就是4.0scale,比如北大,但是因为和UIUC的具体算法不同,所以也要附上你的GPA的算法说明供UIUC的admission office参考。前一阵我说,每一科的GPA算法各有不同,高歌还不信。其实学校的统一GPA算法是根据学生成绩的ABCD以及F各个等级算出来的,而对于单科来说,Syllabus各有不同,也许在写作课88能算A-,也许在物理课90分就算B+了。这一点上绝对不夸张。当然也有一些课程是根据60、70、80、90来划分等级,不过这真的是各不相同。所以,这个世界上时没有一个万能的公式帮助中国的同学一下子把你的分数直接转换成美国的GPA的,再重申一遍,你甚至完全没有必要这么做,只要把你的原始成绩单直接寄过来就好,再不行附上你的各科排名以供参考。 下面附上UIUC原版的GPA算法。是英文版的,很好理解,就不翻译了。*图为UIUC的Engineering Quad Calculating Grade Point Average (GPA)

UIUC is on a “Four-Point System” of grading that includes both plus (+) and minus (-) grades. Grades are evaluated in terms of grade points as displayed below.Grade Point Scale Grade Grade Points A+ 4.00 A 4.00 A- 3.67 B+ 3.33 B 3.00 B- 2.67 C+ 2.33 C 2.00 C- 1.67 D+ 1.33 D 1.00 D- 0.67 F 0.00 ABS 0.00 Note: Some grade symbols are not included in the calculation of a grade point average. Click here for an explanation of grades. How to Calculate Your GPA For each course, multiply the grade points dined for the grade (A=4, etc.) by the credit hours of the course Add all of the Total Grade Points Add all of the GPA Hours Divide the sum of the Grade Points by the GPA Hours EXAMPLEExample Grade Report Course Grade Grade Points GPA Hours Total Grade Points ASTR 199 S N/A N/A N/A CHEM 102 B+ 3.33 3 (3.33 x 3) = 9.99 CHEM 103 A 4.00 1 (4.00 x 1) = 4.00 ECON 102 C- 1.67 3 (1.67 x 3) = 5.01 MATH 220 F 0.00 5 (0.00 x 5) = 0.00 PSYC 100 A+ 4.00 4 (4.00 x 4) = 16.00 RST 140 CR N/A N/A N/A TOTAL 16 35 Semester GPA = 35/16 = 2.18 4 different grade point averages (GPA) display on your UIUC official transcript: TERM GPA – the GPA for your grades for a single semester TOTAL INSTITUTION – the GPA for all courses completed at UIUC TOTAL TRANSFER – the GPA for courses outside of UIUC OVERALL – the Institution and Transfer GPA combined The GPA reported on the official UIUC transcript displays two digits to the right of the decimal point and is truncated not rounded. Example of a truncated GPA (See example GPA calculation above): 35 Grade Points / 16 GPA Hours = 2.1875 The official University GPA is 2.18


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