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今年报学校,哈佛大学只需2门SATII的成绩 从今年报学校的小孩起,哈佛大学只需2门SAT-II的成绩。可以任意选两门考。但不能都考成数学。汉语是母语的,也不能考汉语。 以前好的学校,大都要三门SATII的成绩,因为写作算单独一门。2005年College Board改革,把写作归如SATI,不另算一门了。各大学就随着把三门的要求改成了两门。只有哈佛没变(外加乔治城)。 我去年曾给哈佛招生办送过电子邮件,呼吁他们取消SAT II 三门的要求。理由有三:(1)在TOP学校里,你是唯一的啦。(2)以前要SATII的写作,情有可原。但College Board SAT改革,现在把写作归到SAT I去了,你不能因为忽视或忘记了,而给小孩加负担。(3)多一门也没有啥意思。 可能写的人多了,它就意识到了。 它的招生办网上的: Official score reports for Two SAT Subject Tests You may take any two subject tests. Students should not submit two Subject Tests in mathematics to meet this requirement. Candidates whose first language is not English should ordinarily not use a Subject Test in their first language to meet the two Subject Tests requirement. All students are encouraged to submit additional Subject Tests (which may include one in a student’s first language), Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate test results, or any other evidence of the breadth and depth of their academic accomplishments.

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