


2017/07/20 23:42:09 编辑: 浏览次数:358 移动端

普林斯顿大学本科申请|Princeton University 普林斯顿大学最引以自豪的是本科生教育,学校师生比例为1/6,在全美的大学里很少见,由于学生人数不多,教师有足够的精力来关心学生的作业。普林斯顿大学本科生可以攻读两种学位:艺术学士和工程科学学士。前者授予主修人文科学、社会科学和自然科学的学生;后者授予主修工程技术专业的学生。 1、课程要求 在你进入普林斯顿大学之前,你必须修过以下课程: four years of English (including continued practice in writing) four years of mathematics (including calculus for students interested in engineering) four years of one foreign language at least two years of laboratory science (including physics and chemistry for students interested in engineering) at least two years of history 2、标准化考试 (1)SAT:SAT1和三门SAT2成绩。如果申请工程学院,这三门SAT2包括:一门是物理或者化学,一门是数学,再加上自己选择的第三门。 (2) 3、申请材料 (1)A completed application form. (2)A Secondary School Report (SSR) and transcript. (3)Two teacher rerences. (4)SAT Reasoning Test or ACT. Test Registration Codes. SAT: 2672;ACT: 2588 (5)TOEFL scores. TOEFL: 2672 4、申请时间 (1)8月15日开始申请; (2)1月1日申请结束; (3)2月1日奖学金申请结束; (4)3月15日邮寄结果; (5)5月1日申请人学生答复学校。 5、奖学金 普林斯顿大学奖学金申请与入学申请是完全独立,而且奖学金也可以通过在线系统进行申请。任何需要经济资助的学生都可以申请奖学金。根据对Class of 2011统计: (1)低收入家庭 (yearly income less than $53,500):Average grant $43,900 (2)中收入家庭 (yearly income between $53,500 and $75,000):Average grant $38,300 (3)中等收入家庭 (yearly income between $75,000 and $150,000):Average grant $27,300 (4)高收入家庭 (yearly income above $150,000):这部分人很少可以获得奖学金。 6、相关费用 The estimated cost of attendance for 2007-08 is $47,375 and includes: Tuition: $33,000 Room charge*: $5,980 Board rate*: $5,000 Estimated miscellaneous expenses: $3,395 (books, supplies, laundry, telephone, recreation, etc.) * Standard rates for University dormitories and meal plansThis estimate does not include the cost of travel, which may range between $100 and $2,500. Students who are not covered by afamily health insurance policy must purchase Student Health Plan coverage for $1,050. University charges are likely toincrease modestly for 2008-09. 7、申请咨询 Undergraduate Admission Office P.O. Box 430 Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08542-0430 Phone: (609) 258-3060 Fax: (609) 258-6743 E-mail: uaoffice@princeton.edu Request a printed application and viewbook Office Hours Monday - Friday, 8:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. Summer hours, June through August: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Undergraduate Financial Aid Office P.O. Box 591 Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08542-0591 Phone: (609) 258-3330 Fax: (609) 258-0336 E-mail: faoffice@princeton.edu

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