


2017/07/20 23:09:35 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:60 移动端

  南加州大学(University of Southern California,缩写USC ),简称南加大,位于加州洛杉矶市中心,由监理会于1880年创立,是加州最古老的私立研究型大学。南加大已成为全国最具竞争力的大学之一,全美大学排第27名。其中电影学院全美排名第一,工程学院全美排名第八。

  The number of international students in the United States is at record levels. Last year, more than six hundred seventy thousand foreign students attended an American college or university.


  And for the eighth year the school with the largest number was the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.


  U.S.C. has about six thousand six hundred international students in regular academic programs. One in four graduate students and one in ten undergraduates come from other countries.




  In a special class, international students meet with American students and learn about American life, says instructor Vincent Vigil.

  Vincent Vigil教员说,在一个特殊的课堂里,国际学生和美国学生相处,了解美国生活。

  VINCENT VIGIL: "We are able to have them interact with American students, but then also ask them any sort of simple questions that you may ask another person: &apos&aposWhat do you like to do for fun? Why did you choose U.S.C.? What do you do on the weekends?&apos&apos Just simple things so that way they get to understand what it means to be an American student."

  Vincent Vigil:“我们让他们与美国学生相处,但随后也会问他们一些,你也可能会问其他人的简单问题:“你有什么嗜好?你为什么选择南加州大学?你周末怎么过?”这些非常简单的问题能使他们理解作为一个美国学生意味着什么。”

  Sports fans know the University of Southern California for its athletics, but students say they come for the strong academic programs. "Star Wars" director George Lucas got his start at the U.S.C. film school.


  The university&apos&aposs ties are strongest with Asia. A Japanese student was in the class of eighteen ninety.


  Tony Tambascia, director of the office of international services, says U.S.C. actively seeks international students.

  国际办主任Tony Tambascia表示,南加州大学积极吸纳国际学生。

  TONY TAMBASCIA: "We currently have students from about one hundred fifteen different places of origin around the world. India is first with over fifteen hundred students. We have almost as many from mainland China."

  TONY TAMBASCIA:“目前我校学生大约来自全球115个不同的国家和地区。印度以超过1500名学生位居第一,来自中国大陆的学生几乎和印度一样多。”

  Yuan Si Zhao, from Beijing, is working on her master&apos&aposs degree in communication management.


  YUAN SI ZHAO: "I have lots of friends that came to U.S.C. That is the main reason I wanted to come. And then, one of my family friends actually recommended this school when I was little."


  Some students come to study business or liberal arts or to attend the university&apos&aposs highly rated engineering school.


  Indian engineering student Rahul Khola says the international student population was part of the school&apos&aposs appeal. California&apos&aposs climate is also appealing. But another engineering student from India, Bikramjeet Singh Grewal, says he does not have time for much fun in the sun.

  来自印度的工科学生Rahul Khola表示,国际学生众多是该校的吸引力之一,加州的气候也很怡人。但是另一位来自印度的工科学生Bikramjeet Singh Grewal表示,他没有太多时间享受阳光。

  BIKRAMJEET SINGH GREWAL: "Because sometimes you are busy and sometimes your friends are busy. Sometimes your professors make you busy."

  BIKRAMJEET SINGH GREWAL:“因为有时你很忙,有时你的朋友很忙。有时你的教授让你很忙。”

  Foreign students not only give schools more applicants to choose from, they also provide money. Undergraduate students from other countries usually pay full tuition at American colleges and universities. Only a small percentage receive financial aid.






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