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‘The Ideal High School Graduate’
College counselors and admissions directors crowded a hotel conference room on Thursday afternoon, many sitting on the floor for want of enough chairs, as William Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions at Harvard, joined in a discussion on “The Ideal High School Graduate.”
Mr. Fitzsimmons was speaking on a panel as part of the College Board’s annual conference in New York City.
“I’m not sure Harvard has figured out what the ideal student is,” he said, clearly disappointing some cramped audience members. “But public service is a baseline. We’re trying to find people who make others around them better.”(哈佛大学招生办公室主任William Fitzsimmons说哈佛大学还没有弄清楚到底一个完美的高中毕业生应该是什样子,但是他强调,公共服务是最基础的,哈佛大学喜欢那种可以让自己周围人过得更好的学生。)
Mr. Fitzsimmons called successful applicants to Harvard “good all-arounders – academically, extracirricularly and personally,” and he stressed the importance of demonstrating humanity and three-dimensionality in one’s college application. “I want to know, what is it this person does beside chew gum and produce good grades or scores?”(对于成功的哈佛申请者而言,展示自己的独特的humanity 和学术、个性、以及extracirricularly,哈佛想了解除了有优秀的成绩之外,你还能做什么?)
He warned against the superficiality of charismatic dispositions. “Charisma isn’t everything,” he said. “It actually makes a difference to have substance. And those quiet people can be incredibly easy to miss in college admissions, but they can be brilliant and wear incredibly well over the long haul.”
Marcia Landesman, associate director of undergraduate admissions at Yale,cited modesty and resourculness as qualities she most closely associated with an ideal candidate, and she emphasized that recommendations were most helpful in communicating such traits.(谦虚和足智多谋是优秀高中毕业生应具备的品质,而推荐信对展示他们的这些品质非常有帮助。)
Mr. Fitzsimmons agreed. “Our applicant pools are more homogenous than ever,” he said. “So recommendations are more important than ever.” He shared that at Harvard, recommendations are ranked from one to six based on the strength of the endorsement of the student.(哈佛大学招生主任也非常认同这个观点,认为推荐信比以往任何时候都重要)
Jonathan Burdick, dean of admissions at the University of Rochester, stepped up to call the discussion a “100-pound topic in a five-pound sack,” but went on to tackle it all the same. He said that inquisitive students characterized his ideal, those who might “step up beyond the received wisdom of Lady Gaga and actually think about what she says.”
To close, Mark Spencer, dean of admissions at Brandeis University, hinted at the futility of the whole conversation, saying, “I don’t believe in an ideal high school graduate.” Nonetheless, he went on to praise “authentic” applicants above all others and shared an anecdote from an interview he conducted last week.
“A young woman told me her dad called her weird. She stated it. She accepted it. And she kind of liked it,” he laughed. In turn, Mr. Spencer really liked it. “She was real.”
Echoing essay advice that The Choice picked up at the National Association of College Admissions Counselors conference in September, he advised that applicants loosen up, advocating that students are at their best – whether interviewing or in an essay – when they are answering “kooky questions.”
The panelists nodded in consensus, suggesting that their shared, ultimate ideal is the student comfortable and free enough to be totally real.
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