


2017/07/20 17:38:10 编辑: 浏览次数:182 移动端



  一位不认识(Prof. A)

  另一位就是发给我论文的那位。(Prof. B)


  Prof. B: (balabala) we only have 15 minutes to go.....First please talk to Prof. A

  Prof A: Q1 why applied to UIC?

  Me: cuz UIC&aposs student body is the most diverse in the nation......

  Prof A: Then why not Harward? It is also well-known for the diversity of the student body?

  Me: [faint~] I am not quite farmiliar with Harward, the only thing I know is UIC has the largest medical school in US...

  Prof A: (no response) Q2 Tell me sth. about your current job in the lab.

  Me: balabala

  Prof A: (no response) Q3 Then how about your college life?

  Me: balabala

  Prof A: (no response) Q4 Why you chose to further your graduate study in US?

  Me: balabala

  Prof A: (no response) Q5 Well, how did you spend your spring festival?

  Me: [smile] :) balabala

  Prof A: Now so much for me, do you have any question?

  Me: balabala

  Prof B: Now is Prof. B speaking. Q1 How long did you read the paper I sent you?

  Me: Less than 1 hour

  Prof B: How many hours for you to finish your assignment?

  Me: [sigh~]About 2 days......

  Prof B: Q2 ...I see, in your article did you mention A, B and C as the major weakpoints of that paper?

  Me: [busy scanning--b]yea, (explanations) balabala

  Prof B: Q3 Is it comfortable for you to tell me about the offer you have received?

  Me: balabala

  Prof B: Q4 Please to be honest, which position you have placed UIC in your mind? You know, there are so many brothers & sisters waiting for their admission decision and the chances we could offer is limited.

  Me: (at a loss) balabala

  Prof B: Q5 Just imaging that if you have received the offer, which lab will be your first choice in our department?

  Me: (without hesitation) your lab......balabala

  Prof B: Do you know the tasks being handled by other faculty member?

  Me: balabala

  Prof B: balabala...I really want to continue our talk, but we got another interview to handle. The admission committee will hold a meeting to decide the final decision and you will be informed about it by then. Bye

  Me: Bye......

  (45 minutes passed by)







  还有介绍自己实验室课题时尽量流利 说的口若悬河 天花乱坠 一棒子把对方打晕可能效果就好了。别指望对方能听懂甚至回应你所说的,教授毕竟也是人...在那么短的时间内很难跟上你的思路

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