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pm 10:35
MM 你好,请问是***吗?这里是PRINCETON校友会,希望这么晚没有打扰到你
ME 你好,没有关系
ME 喷血......好,没问题
PM 11:00
MM hello ,this is princeton university ,I hope this won&apost be too late for you!
ME that &aposs all right ,nice to meet you
MM ok.let&aposs begin(语气比较象***)
MM why do you plan to study in USA
ME Or ,probably most like u , it&apos the major I choose ,If I choose Math I think I will like to study in China
MM I see ,so what&aposs your major
Me Didn&apost u read my PS
MM No ,I don&apost know you and see your material bore
ME Yeah ,It&aposs environment studies
MM Does it in Princeton?
ME 意识到说错了 Oh I am sorry the major is ecoloy ,I meant I would like environment study being my career!
MM I still confused...I was told you are applying to the department of Biology ,,you should know that ecology differs from Bilogy
Me 意识到又说错了 yeah ,I see the difference.. Biology is a basic and general major ,yeah?
MM yeah ,it&aposs of mine
Me but for futher research ,I will pick u ecology ,while studying I will choose more credits on that part and I know ecology is built on Biology!
MM I see ,you get that right..
MM what difficulties will you meet in USA ,do you think ? many of my friends there find it very hard to live outside China
Me 瓜了。没想过 yeah, well.I see......... you know Where I study is far from my home. I rent an apartment around my school and I live independtly ! I think I will be more adjustable to the new and indepent life....(ADJUSTABLE是乱说的)
MM You maight mistake my question , I meant that what are the problems you have thought about in USA and how will you deal with them
ME I know that I will meet many .......both living and studing. As far as I know the study in Princeton is extremely hard! But I am eager to conqurer! I am eager to face the world alone , with the strength to carry on (套用HERO的歌词)
MM I am really proud of your confidence, but don&apost you get any afraid of a totally new life. Don&apost you have any preparation to the prospective problems .If no ,You may not adapt the new consequenses as fast as others
ME I know there are problems ,a part drom the languege and study ,especially the communication with nighbours ,friends and teachers. All people says a I am a kind person and they all agree with my personality ,I am an easy-going guy. When in need ,there is always a right friend right there ,I am proud of it
MM you indicate that you are of a great spirit of team work .that&aposs very good.
ME 打断她 Our school&aposs motto is when the going gets tough ,the tough gets going
MM what&aposs your understandng of it?
ME Tha&aposs what I mentioned ,I am eager to conquer!! Though hope is frail ,it&aposs hard to kill ,dreams are hard to follow ,but don&apost let anyone tear them aside, I will cast my fears away and be strong (我最喜欢的歌的糅合 HERO WHEN YOU BELIEVE)
MM That&aposs great ,
........................some questions about others ,very normal
MM sorry again for calling you late
ME that is all right
MM it very nice talking to you
Me it&aposs also my honor
MM Thank you , so good bye
ME Bye Bye
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲