


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:402 移动端

  我可能是最后一个被面的吧:面我的是JAN BROCKER, 本来说的是她那里早上七点,我这里晚上10点打电话,结果九点电话就响拉,我以为是别人,拿起电话就"你好",结果过了半天对方才说"HELLO".我就明白是面试官,晕,肯定是她把时差搞错拉.我还没把写好答案的笔记放在旁边呢.不过幸好之前以为是视频面试,就把答案全都背下来拉.她的发音非常标准,以至于她每个字都听的很明白,而且她人也很好的.所有的问题都是我看DENVER 面经大汇总准备过的,所以很顺利.而且觉得把答案背下来,效果反而不错呢,因为不会紧张拉,都在脑子里拉!面过后觉的很兴奋,因为只要不紧张,把对方当成朋友一样,就都说出来拉,下面就是面经,和以前差不多.

  Formal questions:

  Talk about your education background .(因为我转系,所以我想她问我这个问题。以前面经没见过)why do you want to pursue a graduate degree now?

  why do you choose Daniels school as one of your option?

  what&aposs your career goal after undergraduation?What&aposs your 3-5year goal and your plan?

  what do you think of leadership?

  what role do you always play in a team?

  What is one of the most important skills do you think you can have to improve your team work

  experience of setback?

  waht do you think of social responsibility?

  Have you participated in some volunteer activities ?

  Do you have some influential experience or people that affect your understanding about leadership?

  Give me one reason ,why do you think Danials should admit you to our program?

  assue thirty years past, how do you evaluate success?

  Informal questions:

  How do you afford your study in US?

  Have you apply for other universities?

  Do you have any question?

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