

Seattle Foster MBA第一轮面经及Tips.

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Seattle Foster MBA第一轮面试邀请已发出。


furtherstudy 2010-11-03:

刚刚视频面试完,与大家分享一下。Tim Hossain, 非常nice的面试官。

  1. why now why mba why foster
  2. short-term goal and long-term goal
  3. Dinition of success and Failure
  4. Profesional failure
  5. what&aposs the strongest point in your application; what&aposs the weakness point
  6. what company you want to join
  7. what&aposs your leadership style
  8. what do your clients or colleague describe you, what characteristics you have
  9. how to you find out the foster school.
  10. challenge for u in the MBA study
  11. what do you most excite the school.
  12. questions to me. (i asked 4 questions)

总共30分钟,问题挺多的。希望这次能够帮助后面的申请人。round 1会在12月份中出结果。

明天要飞参加另外一个学校的校园面试,期待好的表现和好结果。good luck everyone!

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