

Notre Dame MBA Phone Interview面经.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:389 移动端

北美,Jan18 交的申请,Jan23收到邮件,建议校园面试,去不了,就约了今天电话面试。面试官Brian,很干练,也很nice。

  1. Education
  2. Previous experience, esp. team experience
  3. why MBA,
  4. Long term goal, why
  5. Why Notre Dame
  6. What kind of C-level people(CEO, COO, etc.) did you meet in your work?
  7. Community services experience
  8. Do you have someone report to u at work, How many?
  9. Small case discussion: caculation and logic
  10. Ethic Delima
  11. Do you have any questions?

I suggest that you see the Movie Rudy to know more about ND and football.

  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537