

宾州立Smeal MBA Skype面经.

2017/07/20 17:30:29 编辑: 浏览次数:407 移动端

晚上11点PSU smeal 的Skype面试。

能找到的问题都准备了,也都问到了,外加几个没找到的问题, 因为已经拿到了几个Offer了,所以心里比较放松了。面完了基本上把所有的问题都回忆起来了。一个很面善的Lady做的面试, 面试过程中基本上低着头在看她手头的东西,不知道是在做Note还是在看我的申请材料。面完了我就不记得她叫什么名字了…..

  1. Go through your resume.
  2. Why MBA,why now, why Smeal
  3. Best/worst teamwork experience.
  4. Best/worst leadership experience.
  5. Meaning of leadership, what&aposs your view about good leader。
  6. Quality of a good team member (原话不是这样子的,但大概意思是这样)
  7. Strongpoint’s compared to other candidates。
  8. What kind of job/work you like most, what kind of job/work you dislike the most?
  9. Disagreement with supervisors and how you handle it?
  10. Ethical dilemma, (很郁闷的是她拿着我的essay一边看一边面的,这个问题她一说出来马上又补了一句:给我一个不是你essay上写的例子,我卡壳了几秒钟然后举了个不痛不痒的例子)
  11. Challenge in MBA study.
  12. What else you want to tell the acom.
  13. Other school you are applying and any response
  14. Intermediate goal upon completing MBA program, long term goal
  15. Hobbies after work。
  16. Q&A


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