


2017/07/20 17:29:18 编辑: 浏览次数:286 移动端

刚结束的UC-Davis 面筋, Tye面的. 问题如下,

  1. Why MBA at this time? Why Davis?
  2. Biggest strengenth and weakness?
  3. Biggest failure
  4. How will U introduce yourself in the first MBA class?
  5. Most specutecular accomplishment?
  6. Other personal questions related to resume.
  7. Any question.

总体感觉UC-Davis的面试问题中规中矩, Tye人很不错,唯一的遗憾是今天有点感冒. 还有的建议想给大家的就是一定要多多准备标准问题,并且把他和自己的简历融合起来.面试前在找一个Partner练练. 最后祝大家都申请成功!

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