

12月28 范德堡 金融面经 Jill.

2017/07/20 17:24:53 编辑: 浏览次数:352 移动端


  12月28日晚的面试,之前看的面经准备了好多比较常规的问题,但是感觉Jill面试问得比较灵活,比较随性吧,语速也比较快,但她很热情的,一开始问了我两遍how are you,尤其到后面我问问题的时候,她的话就渐渐多了起来,语调也显得很高兴,很热情的样子,还鼓励我有什么问题给她发邮件。

  (1)What qualities that you learned from your internships can you contribute to Owen Community?

  (2)Why do you want to pursue MSF degree?

  (3)If you receive a promotion what would you do to benit the company?

  (4)What would you do if someone intentionally prevent you from achieving a goal?

  (5)What steps would you do to make the most of your trip if you will pay a visit to another country?

  (6)What would you friends and family say about you handling an unexpected situation?

  她说,今年打算招35到40个学生,international students占20-25个,结果要1月24日通知。不知道是因为我们俩的语速都比较快还是我说的太少了,面试只持续了15分钟左右。总体的感觉是,她会结合简历问具体的问题,希望我的面经对以后面试的同学有点帮助,也祝我自己好运吧!

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