

1月28 俄亥俄州立 金融面经 Caroline.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:318 移动端

  鲜面筋,趁还记得的时候记下来,面试官是Caroline Chao,是个中国小妞,会说中文但美音也很地道,还挺热情。Bore start 先问我报了其他什么学校:

  1. Why Fisher(延伸的问题:有没有哪个教授的哪些文章你特别感兴趣,因为我提到OSU金融研究很强)

  2. How is your career goal going to help you get personal happiness

  3. Tell me about your leadership style and give examples

  4. Tell me a time when you achieve your goal(past experience)

  5. Imagine in a meeting, someone try to take credit of what you have done. What would you do

  6. What ways of communication do you prer

  7. Tell me sth about your personal interest and goal not related to your career

  8. Why do you list “endurance” as one of the quality that you think is important in your essay

  My Question: career support and services

  bla bla bla,听完我也没听出个啥,就知道OSU有one of the biggest alumni network in the world

  Decision will be made bore the Feb 14

  时长:40 min


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