

2月10 罗切斯特市场营销面经 Dana Eagle.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:282 移动端

  Program: Master in Marketing of Simon

  Interviewer: Dana Eagle

  Associate Director of Admissions, very nice, told me that she hadn’t read any material of me at the beginning of the interview


  1. Walk through your resume (education, internships)

  2. Interested in my entrepreneurship experience, ask why I got the idea to start my own business?

  3. What challenges have you met in your entrepreneurship?

  4. Why choose marketing?

  5. What track of marketing are you interested in? Market research or else?

  7. What make a brand successful and unique?

  8. Do you have project team work experience at school?

  9. How to deal with team conflicts?

  7. What’s your strength and weakness?

  8. You mentioned you have been to lots of countries. Can you share with me some of your travelling experience?

  9. Do you have any question for me?

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