

2月9 凯斯西储金融面经 monica.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:271 移动端



  1. Why MSF & this time?

  2. Other schools you applied and why especially case?

  3. The experience to work among a team.

  4. What to do when your team members came across difficulties or problems.(这两题连着问的)

  5. What characristics do you think you have in yourself to be a leader

  6. What to do other than acadamics(听得不是特清楚,我问是不是问leisure time都干嘛。她说是。我说了几个自己的hobby。她又问了我没提到的志愿者工作,我解释都是在某个组织当中做的,自己无故跑出去志愿是不受欢迎的)

  7. 我问的问题

  I know that I could choose to complete the MSF program in either 12 months or 15 months. Does that mean that I will have a semester with no classes? 对,有个学期会没有课让你去实习。

  What impression did Chinese college students leave to you? MSF、MBA都有中国学生。特勤奋刻苦~~~~

  What quality of students do weatherhead care about most? 激情~ 国际化的视野和差异

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