

2月14 俄亥俄州立 会计面试面经.

2017/07/20 17:19:18 编辑: 浏览次数:356 移动端

  还在准备GMAT 为了攒RP,把刚刚面试的经验分享给大家,尽管都是常问的问题,大家还是好好准备吧给我面试的是Paige,student ambassador。

  1. the person significantly influence your career goal.

  2. what do you think of curriculum of Fisher

  3. when your leader did sth wrong or infective, what will you do?

  4. your leader experience

  5. your role model as a leader in the business world today

  6. cross culture experience, how diversity contribute to the company

  7. why you choose " ” character in your essay

  8. other program you applied

  9. a project you devote 100% but care little about it

  10. activity you have passion to do

  差不多就是这些, 提醒大家的是,准备的时候一定要想好specific example to exemplify your answers.

  祝大家面试成功,拿到理想的Ad and Offer。

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