

3月15 罗切斯特 金融面经 lixian.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:216 移动端


  1. self-introduction. Tell me about your background

  2. career plan(非常详细)

  3. why MSF ,why is getting a MSF important to you?

  4. why Simon , why do you want to get your MSF at Simon?

  5. team conflict, as a team member

  6. 3 top weaknesses, I&aposm curious, what do you think are your weaknesses?

  7. words you wanna describe yourself to others

  8. other universities applied and reasons(simon difference fm other school)

  9、 Any experiences you take risks(risk)

  10、how you comprehend leadership and your leadership experience

  11、talk about internship and what you learn from it

  12、what are you going to do in 2011 summer

  13. research experience

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