

3月23 卡内基梅隆 计算金融面经 Rick.

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:394 移动端

  Interviewed with Rick about 20 minutes.

  Some small talks first then go to topic:

  1. Why MSCF

  2. Why full-time (I have full-time job now)

  3. Past experience in college (not finance related topic, all about extracurricular activites)

  4. Career goal

  5. Other schools applied. Compare programs. Dinitely answered CMU beat every others but I also mentioned scholarship is important to me. Because I also applied UCB, he implied couple of times MFE@UCB is not as good as MSCF.

  6. Question(I asked whether I can waive some courses and got positive answer)

  Decision will be made on Mon Apr 4th.

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