


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:320 移动端


  1,Why do you want to study abroad?

  Diversity culture

  The land and people of the U.S.A. are incredibly varied. Wherever I choose to study, I will encounter a regional culture rich in history, local traditions and customs. The U.S.A. is a multi-racial society that is still absorbing new immigrants, which makes it a very dynamic and exciting place to experience.


  U.S. universities differ from those in my own country in several ways. For one thing, classes are generally small. There may be as few as ten to twenty students in a class; an education in the U.S. A. gives me the personal attention I need in order to succeed. While in class, students are encouraged and expected to contribute to the discussion. Professors meet with students in their offices or even share coffee or meals with them. The close relationship between students and faculty serves to motivate students and fosters a personal approach to the curriculum. Studying in the U.S.A. gives me the opportunity to gain a mentor in my given career field, an invaluable resource.

  The leading edge

  While studying in the U.S.A., I will be exposed to some of the most up-to-date developments in technology. The U.S.A. is the leader in many areas of technology. I may be fortunate enough to meet, and even study, with the leading scholars in my chosen field. Why not study with the best? Studying in the U.S.A. will exhilarate me. It will change the landscape of my life permanently. I’m sure that I will return home changed: more confident, more open and knowledgeable, a citizen of the world with a much broader perspective! Study in the U.S.A. can help me to embark on this exciting academic voyage.

  What is your career goal? What are your long-range goals?

  Build a company

  Why are you interested in attending our university?

  I’m interested in attending Brown through a combination of factors: size, reputation, curriculum and condition. Size, Brown is exactly what I was looking for in that it was not "small" but was not so large as to be metropolitan. Brown has between 5-6 thousand students, which is large enough to feel as if you&aposve moved on from high school, but not so large as an average state school of 20,000 people. Reputation: Brown is a member of The Ivy League, which means everything to some people and nothing to others, so take that for what you will. Curriculum: The Brown Curriculum, which is unique among major US schools, has no required courses or distribution requirements. That is to say, You decide what courses you take and which you avoid, from the very first to the very last. Granted, this is a much a responsibility as it is a privilege, but it was one I wanted. The brown academic condition, It is the place for students who are brave to design their own programs of study; very good academics especially in the engineering and humanities; stellar and very self-selecting student body and lots of momentum because of strong University leadership. And then there&aposs the aura of celebrity which hangs over the campus like a golden halo. Major issue - lack of research-heavy grad schools means Brown will increasingly not be perceived as a top school by rankings that favor energy & medical focused universities.

  What are your extracurricular activities/hobbies?


  What books/movies have you read/seen recently?

  Book: King Lear by Shakespeare, Chicken soup by teenagers

  Movies: Prison break season3, The orange country, planet earth by BBC

  What are some of the reasons that you have chosen this profession?

  I want to enjoy and behave myself as a professional and to adopt myself with the fastly growing technology. By means of engineering, I can teach myself how to tackle situations and also do some tricks or shortcut to achieve impossible things.






  What do you think it takes to be successful in it?


  The students in engineering study had found their passion in the major. Once discovered, this passion can be a source of energy and motivation for academic work.

  Social Support.

  Successful engineering students are involved with other people and take up their ideas. They spend time with their friends and put energy into their important relationships. Successful students utilize formal study groups. They also teach each other a lot when they socialize or talk about their courses.

  Talk to Professors.

  Successful engineering students should make sure you take the opportunity to start talking with your professors early in your first semester. It will make your courses more interesting and will help you learn about class requirements.


  Successful students make a commitment to do what it takes to be successful. Make a commitment to yourself to be successful in all aspects of your university experience.

  Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?

  My uncle, a senior accountant opened the door of the fantastic mathematical world. My mom and dad are good parents, but I think they were too scared to put any kind of pressure on us to do anything tough in life, so they just kind of let us "Get BY." But my uncle has always encouraged me to go after even the hard stuff! He constantly tells me I can do whatever I want to do, just set my mind to it!

  He is also such a go getter! I&aposm amazed at everything he&aposs accomplished and continues to accomplish. He&aposs truly changed my life in the most amazing ways!

  How would your friends describe you?

  I believe my friends would describe me as a passionful, honest, and strong guy.


  What is campus life like here?

  What sets this college apart from the rest of the pack?

  What are the dorms like there? How about off-campus housing?

  How open are your professors for extra help?

  What are the sports at your school like?

  What made you decide to go there?









  1,Why do you want to study abroad?

  Diversity culture

  The land and people of the U.S.A. are incredibly varied. Wherever I choose to study, I will encounter a regional culture rich in history, local traditions and customs. The U.S.A. is a multi-racial society that is still absorbing new immigrants, which makes it a very dynamic and exciting place to experience.


  U.S. universities differ from those in my own country in several ways. For one thing, classes are generally small. There may be as few as ten to twenty students in a class; an education in the U.S. A. gives me the personal attention I need in order to succeed. While in class, students are encouraged and expected to contribute to the discussion. Professors meet with students in their offices or even share coffee or meals with them. The close relationship between students and faculty serves to motivate students and fosters a personal approach to the curriculum. Studying in the U.S.A. gives me the opportunity to gain a mentor in my given career field, an invaluable resource.

  The leading edge

  While studying in the U.S.A., I will be exposed to some of the most up-to-date developments in technology. The U.S.A. is the leader in many areas of technology. I may be fortunate enough to meet, and even study, with the leading scholars in my chosen field. Why not study with the best? Studying in the U.S.A. will exhilarate me. It will change the landscape of my life permanently. I’m sure that I will return home changed: more confident, more open and knowledgeable, a citizen of the world with a much broader perspective! Study in the U.S.A. can help me to embark on this exciting academic voyage.

  What is your career goal? What are your long-range goals?

  Build a company

  Why are you interested in attending our university?

  I’m interested in attending Brown through a combination of factors: size, reputation, curriculum and condition. Size, Brown is exactly what I was looking for in that it was not "small" but was not so large as to be metropolitan. Brown has between 5-6 thousand students, which is large enough to feel as if you&aposve moved on from high school, but not so large as an average state school of 20,000 people. Reputation: Brown is a member of The Ivy League, which means everything to some people and nothing to others, so take that for what you will. Curriculum: The Brown Curriculum, which is unique among major US schools, has no required courses or distribution requirements. That is to say, You decide what courses you take and which you avoid, from the very first to the very last. Granted, this is a much a responsibility as it is a privilege, but it was one I wanted. The brown academic condition, It is the place for students who are brave to design their own programs of study; very good academics especially in the engineering and humanities; stellar and very self-selecting student body and lots of momentum because of strong University leadership. And then there&aposs the aura of celebrity which hangs over the campus like a golden halo. Major issue - lack of research-heavy grad schools means Brown will increasingly not be perceived as a top school by rankings that favor energy & medical focused universities.

  What are your extracurricular activities/hobbies?


  What books/movies have you read/seen recently?

  Book: King Lear by Shakespeare, Chicken soup by teenagers

  Movies: Prison break season3, The orange country, planet earth by BBC

  What are some of the reasons that you have chosen this profession?

  I want to enjoy and behave myself as a professional and to adopt myself with the fastly growing technology. By means of engineering, I can teach myself how to tackle situations and also do some tricks or shortcut to achieve impossible things.








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