


2017/07/20 16:37:34 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:317 移动端

  下面是申请美国会计phd面试常见的问题,会计phd面试resume 和ps是重点,一定要对自己PS里面mention过的东西非常熟悉,并且要经得起追问。下面是一般常见的问题。有问题?找免费的顾问为你解答吧。>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问

  一、General Questions

  ·Why PhD?

  ·Why accounting PhD?

  ·What is your career plan?

  ·Why do you give up your current job to pursue an academic career?

  ·What is your understanding about PhD study?

  ·What is your understanding about academic career?

  ·What other programs did you apply?

  ·Will you come if we give you an offer?

  二、About Working Experience

  ·What did you do as a …..?

  ·What are you doing now?

  三、About Accounting Research

  ·What is your research interest and research plan?

  ·What did you do in your research project?

  ·What is your research project about?

  ·Did you face any problem when you do the project?

  ·What is your understanding of accounting?

  ·What papers did you read?

  ·How do you feel about reading papers?

  四、About School

  ·Why do you want to go to this school?

  ·Are you familiar with our faculty and their research?

  五、Questions to ask

  ·Can I expect a lot of interactions with the professors? Could we have opportunities to co-author with the professors?

  ·I saw the very broad backgrounds of faculty. In terms of PhD training, are you going to emphasize analytical, empirical or experimental studies?

  ·Another question I have is about the qualified exams. Could you tell me a little bit about the format of the qualified exam?

  ·On average, how long does it take to graduate from the program?

  ·I do have another question about the data, and the software we might need for research and the travel for conferences. I wondered how much support we can get on that?






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