


2017/07/20 09:14:20 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:55 移动端







  邮件标题:Prospective Ph.D Student Interested in xxx;Prospective Ph.D Student Have Problems about xxx. 这些都一目了然,建议都以Prospective Ph.D Student 开头。如果事情很紧急,你可以在标题中加入Emergency字样,或者直接电话联系

  称呼:Hi,Professor! Dear Professor xxx!


  结尾: Your early reply will be highly appreciated!

  套磁过程:套磁之前至少要浏览教授主页,读读他的文章。读文章,主要是为了你能够与教授有话说,而不是简单地询问招生否等基础问题,向他提出论文中你不懂的东西以及你的一些看法,如果有可能再现教授的实验,指出可以改进的地方等等。教授不回信很正常,做好不回信的准备。如果一个星期之后,还没回,你可以这样发信过去“My email server has been acting up lately, so I&aposm not sure whether my previous message was went properly; here it is again just in case. Thanks!” 如果没回,我感觉就没有必要再发了。如果你和教授聊的很愉快,那么当你提交申请之后,记得提醒下教授,你提交了申请,让教授注意你的材料。






  主题:Some questions about Ferrofluid

  Dear professor,

  I am glad to write this letter to you for some solutions to questions about Ferrofluid!

  My name is XXX. I am a junior in XXX University of China. My major is Physics.

  I am interested in Ferrofluid. I fell in love with it at the first spike it makes, so I research its interface instability. Recently, I have some problems about it. I try to solve it, but I did not find the answers. I knew you are a reputable expert in this field by surfing the Internet, so I turn to you for some help. The information about the problems is attached to the attachment, which you will see the details.

  Waiting for your replying at your earliest convenience!Thanks!


  Dear XXX:

  Your attachment to me has some beautiful ferrofluid patterns in a spiral cone. The analysis of such a complicated geometry is very difficult and probably cannot be done in analytical closed form. Most likely it would be necessary to use advanced numerical solvers of electromagnetic field problems such as Ansoft Maxwell but even then I doubt that you could obtain numerical solutions of the ferrofluid peaking shapes. However, I think that an adequate understanding of your patterns can be obtained from a simple planar geometry which was first analyzed and published by Cowley and Rosensweig. I attach a copy of their paper which I hope you find usul. If you have further questions about this paper please let me know. An excellent rerence about Ferrofluids is the paperback book Ferrohydrodynamics (publsihed by Dover Publications Inc) by Rosensweig which is available from Amazon for example for $12.95. The "normal-field instability" is discussed in Chapter 7 of the Rosensweig book. You might be interested in visiting MIT OpenCourseware site at ocw.mit.edu and to find my graduate course in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) 6.642 entitled Continuum Electromechanics. I attach Lecture 8 which discusses the mathematics of the ferrofluid normal instability.

  You might also be interested to attend the International Conference of magnetic fluids (ICMF12) in 2010 to be held in Sendai, Japan, Aug. 1-5, 2010. You can find out more information at www.aoji.cn

  I hope that the above information is usul to you and that you continue your studies of the science and beauty of ferrofluids and perhaps we can meet at ICMF12.

  Best regards


  Dear professor,

  Thanks for your earliest replying and your usul informations! It seems to me that you are also interested in the beautiful patterns Ferrofluid make in a spiral cone. If you need, I can select some more marvalous pictures to you. Though the analysis is difficult, I will try! I have some plans:

  1. Read the paper and your lecture note, learn the fundamental equations about Ferrofluid instability, then furtherly learn the book Rosensweig writed. Try to find some right understandings about the behavior.

  Try to simulate the spike or the behavior.

  During the research, I might have some difficults,I will try to solve by myself first ,then if it do not work ,I will turn to you for some help.9

  I would like to attend the ICMF12. From now on, I will prepare for the meeting spare no forts!

  Thanks again!







  想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。


  主题:Some questions about the paper" The interfacial stability of a ferromagnetic fluid".

  Dear professor,

  How everything goes?I am glad to write this letter to you for some solutions to questions about the paper"The interfacial stability of a ferromagnetic fluid"!

  The paper inspires me a lot.I get a general understanding of the spike,but there still exist some confusions.Please see the attachment about my questions,I provide two filetype(.doc and .pdf) for you.

  Waiting for your replying at your earliest convenience!With best wishes!


  Dear XXX:

  1.The phrase stability rers to the fact that with no magnetic field or with a small magnetic field less than M_crit as given in eq. 21 or 26 in the Cowley-Rosensweig paper the interface remains flat. This is the stable situation. If the magnetization exceeds M_crit, then the interface is unstable with a flat interface but reaches a new stable equilibrium with fluid peaks. It is very difficult to calculate the shapes of the fluid peaks. This would take a nonlinear analysis. One researcher who numerically solves for the peak shapes is Boudouvis. You should do a literature search for Boudouvis&apos publications.

  2. The analysis in the Cowley-Rosensweig paper is only for first order linear perturbations. The analysis for second order and higher perturbations is non-linear and thus very difficult. I am not aware of any non-linear analysis of ferrofluid instability.

  3. The relationship of b=mu*h is true in eq. 3 for the x and y components. Because the applied DC magnetic field, B_0 and H_0 are z directed and because the magnetization characteric of B(H) is nonlinear, the perturbation field in the z direction is given by eq. 2 where the slope of B-H characteristic is used rather than the ratio of B/H. I believe that this is correct.

  4. The usual convention is to write h=- grad (phi) but it is not required. Eq. 4 is correct as a dinition and I believe that the paper is consistent with this dinition throughout the paper.

  5. The boundary conditions at an interface with no surface current, as is the usual case for a ferrofluid/fluid interface, is continuity of tangential H and normal B. The difficulty is that the interfacial dlection has a normal with x, y, and z components. Consistent with a linear analysis that neglects second order and higher terms, the results of eq. 7 and the equation between eqs. 5 and 6 are correct. In my Lecture 8 that I sent you in my last email to you, please look at page 2 where I derive the normal to the interface with a fluid dlection and use the boundary conditions of continuity of normal b and tangential h at the fluid interface. However, my analysis assumes that the magnetic permeability mu is constant for the ferrofluid rather than being dependent on H as Rosensweig assumes. Our two results should agree if you take Rosensweig&aposs mu with a hat over it to equal mu.

  6. To linear terms so that z_0 is small, perturbation b_z increases with z_0. If z_0 gets too large then second and higher order terms become important and eq. 13 becomes inaccurate.

  7. The parameter r is dined just after eq. 10. If mu with a hat=mu, the r=mu/mu0 as you conclude. The equation that you quote (where do you get this result from?) is valid if the magnetization characteristic has M varying linearly with H.)

  8. The wavenumber k=2*pi/lambda where the wavelength lambda is the distance between peaks.

  9. As the magnetic field is increased way beyond the value for the onset of instability (peaking) the peaks get higher, thinner, and sharper. It is very difficult to solve for the exact shape as the analysis needs to be nonlinear.

  10. Since the theory has critical magnetization M_crit depending on the fluid density, experiments are done for different fluids with different densities. This allows the theory to be compared with experiments.

  The greater the density of ferrofluid, the greater is the magnetization thereby when comparing theory and experiment you must account for the change in magnetic permeability.

  I hope that my answers are helpful to you. If this is the first time that you are doing this type of linear instability analysis, I suggest that you try to verify my results in Lecture 8 notes, as there I assume that magnetic permeability mu is constant so the analysis is easier.

  Best of luck






  想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。


  Dear professor,

  Thanks for your quick response and your bright answers!

  The first time I saw the ferroflui, I was impressed by its special interfacial instability. At first (during freshman period), I just have a perceptual feeling with that, marveling at its patterns under the magnetic field.As time is going ,I start to study the laws of mathematics behind it.This my first time doing the analysis from the point of view of equations.I know I must learn a lot so as to do a good job.From the paper"Study on Interfacial Phenomena of Magnetic Fluids" (Yoshiyuki FUKUDA and Noriyoshi DOUHARA),I get the other equation about M-crit.

  I will follow your advice to do my job!

  Best wishes!



  主题:Merry Christmas

  Dear Professor,

  On the occasion of the Christmas approaching, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday!The attachment is my gift to you, hoping it can bring you luck and happiness!

  Have a nice holiday!




  主题:About the Book Ferrohydrodynamics

  Dear professor,

  In your first E-mail,you recommended me the book Ferrohudrodynamics. Just asyou said, it is an excellent rerence book about ferrofluid. My teacher intend to translate it into Chinese and publish.When contact with the Press in China, they say whether the book is reprinted after 1997.If not,they cann&apost make it.I don&apost have Professor Rosensweig&aposs E-mail,I wonder if you could give us some detail informations about the book and the reprintedproblem.By the way,my teacher and I spares no forts to prepare the papar which will submit to the 12ICMF.

  With best wishes!



  Dear Dr.xxx,

  Prof. XXX informed me of your interest with your teacher of translating my book FERROHYDRODYNAMICS into Chinese. Originally the work was published in hardback in English in 1985 by Cambridge University Press. When that edition went out of print in the mid 1990&aposs I transferred the rights to Dover Publications who issued a paperback edition in 1997. It recently went out of print. However, Dover presently holds the rights to authorize a translation of the work. Accordingly, if you wish to proceed you may contact Dover as follows:

  Dover Publications, Inc.

  31 East 2nd Street

  Telephone (516) 294-7000

  Fax: (516) 742-5049

  If you run into difficulties I can in all likelihood recover the rights and could work with you directly. In the meantime I would be pleased to learn of your forts in the study of ferrofluids.



  Dear Professor,

  Thanks for your early reply!

  First, I want to make it clear that I am a undergraduate student. After disscussion with my teacher, she wants me to convey the following informations to you:

  1. We mainly research the preparation, performance and application of ferrofluid (In 2009, my teacher published a book “Nano-magnetic Fluid-Preparation, Performance and Application").

  My teacher has been attended the 9th, 10th ICMF. This year, we will submit three papers to the 12th ICMF

  3. At the beginning of the winter holiday (January 10),the translation is going.It will serve as a graduate textbook. Even though the china press cannot publish the Chinese version,we will make it as a letcure note. However, we really hope it would been reprinted after the 1997 edition,thus the press will agree to publish it.







  想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。


  主题:The paper submit to the ICMF12.

  Dear Professor,

  The attachments are my papers, which will submit to the ICMF12. Bore submission, I send them to for some advice. I do my possible to prepare the papers and really hope it can accept.



  Hello xxx,;

  Here are some comments on the papers that you sent to me.!

  1. "A new method...."

  Your paper shows a new and pleasing method of displaying ferrofluid and using it to detect the presence of magnetic field lines. Just looking at the picture makes me want to hold one of these glass globes.

  The methodology itself has been known for many years, see the attachments. The PDF shows packaging that we used in the early 1970&aposs at Ferrofluidics Corporation when I was President of the company (former name of Ferrotec Corporation). It featured a square, flat container of the two fluids that was sold commercially. Patterning that could be created using the cell is shown in the illustrations.

  One of the &aposbottle cell&apos attachments shows an item that is included in an educational kit that is manufactured by Ferrotec Corporation and is sold through several other companies currently. The other bottle cell attachment is a PowerPoint visual that I used in a seminar presentation a few years ago. The bottle cell is the same one that is included in the educational kit.

  Finding a combination of transparent fluid and ferrofluid that resists degradation with time was a challenge.

  2. Sculpted structure paper. I have seen a very similar U-tube video. Is it your video?

  If I were on the local committee I would recommend that these two papers be combined into a poster for presentation at the conference.



  Dear Professor,

  Thanks very much for your reading and comments on my papers!

  The winter holiday was over and the new term is coming!

  The video on the U-tube is not mine. The attachments are pictures (the video is so large that could not attached) about the second paper and video about the first paper. I have been discussed the research about the second paper with MIT professor Markus Zahn (the communications will send to you) and try my best to understand it.

  By the way, I really hope the two could be published as papers. But present as poster is also encourage me! Waiting the reply of ICMF12!

  组委会接受了论文,并且会刊登在一个收录高质量的会议电子杂志(physics procedia)上,一个小遗憾就是由于日方组委会的签证材料来晚了,所以2010年暑假就没去成日本,也就失去了和MIT教授面套的机会。







  想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。




  When the application review process began and how the process goes?

  When could I get the admission result?

  How many international students are you going to admit?

  比如了解到2月中旬出消息,而此时你没有消息,这时,你就应该知道怎么回事了。默拒?还是在Waiting list上

  如果很久还没出结果,催催小秘:Since it&aposs already March and I haven&apost heard any words from your university, I&aposm writing to check whether a decision has been reached on my application. Please let me know as soon as the result comes out. Thank you very much!

  关于逃TOEFL和GRE送分费,这个是我本人亲自操作过的,我在补申五所学校的时候,给五所学校都发了这样的信,前提是你手里有ETS寄给你的成绩单:My current financial situation does not permit me to have ETS send you my GRE and TOEFL score-reports directly; could you consider my application based on copies of these reports initially? 其中四个学校同意了,一个学校不同意。当然当时有人提出反对,他说如果你被录取了或者考虑奖学金提名,你又没有成绩单原件,可能会误事,这个大家自己去斟酌吧,自己决定是不是应该这么做。




  问MIT的“Dear Professor, I have been checked my application status and found out that MIT don&apost offer me the admission. I want to figure out why, could you please help me analyze? Low GPA, GT scores;don&apost have strong recommendations;don&apost come from Peking University?”

  他们的回答“Dear Sir – I understand your disappointment at not being admitted. This year we received 2900+ applications for only 150 openings. We had to turn down many fine students and I have received many emails similar to yours. The Committee on Graduate Admissions reads all 2900+ applications in a very small window of time and they do not have time to give explanations that would be usul to you. By looking at your application myself, I would say that your grades were a little low. In order to be admitted an application must rank in the top5% of the applicant pool and yours did not.”

  P问了MTU,MTU的回信“My GRE score is 580(V)+650(Q) Our threshold is: 720 and your score is way below +3(AW). What&aposs your threshold value ?”MTU据我的原因是GRE 数学分低。


  如果你想做TA,套Director of Graduate Studies(DGS),并且说明你有类似的经历,比如期末考试时,义务给大家讲课辅导,或者是进行过类似轮讲的事情,或者是家教之类的事情。


  如果给了你奖,这时候,你应该试着套到更多的钱。这是我给VT 套钱的信,发给DGS的,结果被拒绝了:

  I am very happy that your department can give me the offer. It means a lot to me.

  But when I see that your department just pays 82.5% health insurance, I am in a dilemma. For one thing, if I accept your offer, I am afraid there will be a problem when I apply for the visa, because my parents have no savings, as they are both farmers. I also have a sister, who studies at university now. I do not want to increase the burden of my family when I go into graduate school. I thought ways to raise funds but failed. For another, if I don&apost accept your offer, I can choose to go to another university which gives me 100% health insurance. But this school is not my dream school, VT is my dream!

  So, I am here let you know my current suitation and wonder if you could provide me with 100% heatlh insurance or raise my stipend. It is really a hard decision for me to make.



  我只是想告诉大家,一件事情,你努力去尝试,即使失败了,你也会学到很多。自己想要的,一定要努力去争取。这让我想起了fight club那部电影里的一个镜头,一个人想进入男主角房子的那场戏,有机会大家可以看看。

  6. 其他联系

  在我申请过程中,要特别感谢Yangyang MM,虽然素不相识,但给了我很多的鼓励与帮助。她指出了我CV中的致命错误,网上的论文作者顺序在与我给出的不一致。当我遇到很大困惑(学校背景,非211,非985;专业背景,物理学师范,半文半理,但我申请了物理,化学,材料,机械等专业;GRE数学偏低。反正感觉就是多处硬伤)时,能够不厌其烦给我解惑,她下面的一席话让我有动力继续完成申请。










  想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。








  邮件标题:Prospective Ph.D Student Interested in xxx;Prospective Ph.D Student Have Problems about xxx. 这些都一目了然,建议都以Prospective Ph.D Student 开头。如果事情很紧急,你可以在标题中加入Emergency字样,或者直接电话联系

  称呼:Hi,Professor! Dear Professor xxx!


  结尾: Your early reply will be highly appreciated!

  套磁过程:套磁之前至少要浏览教授主页,读读他的文章。读文章,主要是为了你能够与教授有话说,而不是简单地询问招生否等基础问题,向他提出论文中你不懂的东西以及你的一些看法,如果有可能再现教授的实验,指出可以改进的地方等等。教授不回信很正常,做好不回信的准备。如果一个星期之后,还没回,你可以这样发信过去“My email server has been acting up lately, so I&aposm not sure whether my previous message was went properly; here it is again just in case. Thanks!” 如果没回,我感觉就没有必要再发了。如果你和教授聊的很愉快,那么当你提交申请之后,记得提醒下教授,你提交了申请,让教授注意你的材料。






  主题:Some questions about Ferrofluid

  Dear professor,

  I am glad to write this letter to you for some solutions to questions about Ferrofluid!

  My name is XXX. I am a junior in XXX University of China. My major is Physics.

  I am interested in Ferrofluid. I fell in love with it at the first spike it makes, so I research its interface instability. Recently, I have some problems about it. I try to solve it, but I did not find the answers. I knew you are a reputable expert in this field by surfing the Internet, so I turn to you for some help. The information about the problems is attached to the attachment, which you will see the details.

  Waiting for your replying at your earliest convenience!Thanks!


  Dear XXX:

  Your attachment to me has some beautiful ferrofluid patterns in a spiral cone. The analysis of such a complicated geometry is very difficult and probably cannot be done in analytical closed form. Most likely it would be necessary to use advanced numerical solvers of electromagnetic field problems such as Ansoft Maxwell but even then I doubt that you could obtain numerical solutions of the ferrofluid peaking shapes. However, I think that an adequate understanding of your patterns can be obtained from a simple planar geometry which was first analyzed and published by Cowley and Rosensweig. I attach a copy of their paper which I hope you find usul. If you have further questions about this paper please let me know. An excellent rerence about Ferrofluids is the paperback book Ferrohydrodynamics (publsihed by Dover Publications Inc) by Rosensweig which is available from Amazon for example for $12.95. The "normal-field instability" is discussed in Chapter 7 of the Rosensweig book. You might be interested in visiting MIT OpenCourseware site at ocw.mit.edu and to find my graduate course in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) 6.642 entitled Continuum Electromechanics. I attach Lecture 8 which discusses the mathematics of the ferrofluid normal instability.

  You might also be interested to attend the International Conference of magnetic fluids (ICMF12) in 2010 to be held in Sendai, Japan, Aug. 1-5, 2010. You can find out more information at www.aoji.cn

  I hope that the above information is usul to you and that you continue your studies of the science and beauty of ferrofluids and perhaps we can meet at ICMF12.

  Best regards


  Dear professor,

  Thanks for your earliest replying and your usul informations! It seems to me that you are also interested in the beautiful patterns Ferrofluid make in a spiral cone. If you need, I can select some more marvalous pictures to you. Though the analysis is difficult, I will try! I have some plans:

  1. Read the paper and your lecture note, learn the fundamental equations about Ferrofluid instability, then furtherly learn the book Rosensweig writed. Try to find some right understandings about the behavior.

  Try to simulate the spike or the behavior.

  During the research, I might have some difficults,I will try to solve by myself first ,then if it do not work ,I will turn to you for some help.9

  I would like to attend the ICMF12. From now on, I will prepare for the meeting spare no forts!

  Thanks again!







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