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  申请前的联系:申请前的联系主要作用是筛选适合自己的学校,专业和研究方向。主要联系对象是在该校学习的朋友,校友和研究生院秘书等。下面是一封简单的联系Email样板,仅供参考。但要记住,就像你的Personal Statement一样,你的联系信也要有针对性,一定要有个性化的东西。

  Dear Professor ***:

  Hi. I&aposm very interested in your program in Agricultural Economics and especially interested in your research projects. Your forthcoming textbook?International Trade in Agricultural Product?especially attracts my attention as I&aposve been longing to do research on relevant areas.

  I am currently working in the very frontline of China&aposs agricultural development as an agricultural researcher in the Bureau of Agriculture?Zhejiang?China. Both the environmentswheresI have grown up and my past education contribute to my devotion to the improvement of Chinese farmers&aposlife to the standard that American farmers enjoy today. I got my B. S. in Agricultural Economics from Zhejiang Agricultural University. China&aposs entrancesintosthe WTO dinitely raises a new subject in the international trade in agricultural products and also provides a very good opportunity for China&aposs agricultural development. That&aposs why I pursue the relevant study in your university.

  Attached below is my C.V. Please advise if it is good for me to apply to your school of Agricultural Economics. I believe that I&aposll benit a lot under your guidance and will also prove a congenial and enthusiastic member to your program.

  Yours sincerely


  系主任的回信:I am very glad that you are interested in Graduate Study at the University of ***. I have attached a file that indicates how you can apply. You have good credentials?so I hope to see your application soon.








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