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在申请美国留学套磁的时候,申请者都会考虑美国留学套磁回信的问题。澳际留学专家指出:不同种的美国套磁回信,透漏的信息也不同。下面就来看看教授对美国 套磁信不同回复都是表达的什么意思。
Thanks for your interest. I have examined your CV. Your interests are more in line with those of my colleague
美国套磁回信原因一:不赶兴趣:I am interested in stable isotopes but I mostly apply these to the study of otherfield than you. I am not very interested in your project.
Currently I do not have any financial support for new graduate students.
美国 套磁回信原因二:不缺学生:
thanks for your interest in our graduate program.
Unfortunately right now, I am not looking for new graduate students for my projects.
My summer schedule is:
June 22-30, U.K.
July 1-2, Harvard
July 3-Aug 12, Field in Canada
Aug 13-17, Harvard
Aug 18-Sept 14, Field in Namibia
Sept 15-Oct 3, Field in Australia
Oct 4-9, Harvard
I am out of the US for the next year on a sabbatical. Please direct your inquiries to our graduate student advisor Dr. Calvin .
I am forwarding your message to him.
Thank you for your interest in SIO. We look forward to receiving your application and will consider your file next winter whnen we begin our review of applicants.
Thanks very much for your email and interest in working with me .
I look forward to receiving your application and will consider it seriously and with interest
Thank you for your email message about your interest in graduate studies at our University. Your research is very interesting, and I encourage you to apply to the program here. Most of the application materials are online.
The TOEFL score you listed on your CV is fine (I think any score over 550 is considered acceptable); GRE scores will be important too. You can read about the initial results of my paper published last year. I can send you a copy if you do not have this paper. You may also want to read some work by David Kohlstedt, who is also nvolved in this project.
If you have any questions about research or the graduate program here, please let me know. You can also contact my colleague,Christian Teyssier. He is the Director of Graduate Studies.
上面介绍了不同种美国留学套磁回信的相关内容,如果你还想了解更多的美国套磁问题,可以拨打400-601-0022电话进行咨询美国 套磁相关问题,也可以直接点击页面右侧在线咨询按钮直接对话澳际顾问。
澳际六步曲服务体系由六大步骤和36项子模块组成,核心内容包括留学理性规划和背景提升、考试个性化辅导、文书创作和学校申请、套磁和面试、签证辅导及后期服务、海内外求职。澳际六步曲体系贯穿澳际所有服务项目:美国名校本科申请,名校硕士申请,博士奖学金申请,TOP 20 MBA精英申请,英国/加拿大TOP 10申请等。澳际六步曲服务体系适合人群:适合现在高一、高二、大一、大二和大三的学生,希望自己未雨绸缪,从根本上提升申请竞争力,从而于毕业之际成功步入世界名校。详细了解澳际六步曲:www.aoji.cn
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲