


2017/07/20 07:40:50 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:363 移动端




  Dear Dr XXXX,

  I am a student at XXXXX with a major in XXXX. I am a master honor student and will be graduating this December.

  I am planning to attend graduate school in XXXXX, with a focus on XXXXX. I have been exploring XXXX graduate programs when I am working on XXXX project, and I am particularly interested in your research interest, XXXX.

  I hope you don’t mind my getting in touch, but I’d like to inquire whether you are currently accepting PhD students. If you are, would you willing to talk to me a bit more by email. I have explored your website in detail, and it seems like an excellent fit for me because of its emphasis on XXXX.

  I know you’re very busy so I appreciate any time you can reply me. Thanks very much,




  Dear Professor XXXXX,

  I read your paper 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX' and the experience was quite overwhelming as well as enriching.


  I am a pre-final year undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) XXXX, India pursuing my B.S-M.S Dual degree in XXXX. While browsing through your profile, I came to know about your Research work.

  I have had quite a few research experiences in past which include research internships with Princeton University (U.S.A), IBM research (India) and University of Greifswald (Germany).


  I wish to pursue a research project under your guidance/or otherwise would be glad even if I could assist you in any currently ongoing project during XXX . I am interested and enthusiastic to carry out productive research so as to enhance and exploit my skills and to contribute positively to the research going on in these fields. I think that my forts and new ideas could be quite helpful to what the project/research topic demands.

  (我对你干的事情会有帮助的呢:说不定有new idea哦!)

  I tried to contact you a few months back also but there was some issues with my email server leading to some difficulties in receiving emails.


  Should you require any more information, I would be glad to provide. My Curriculum Vitae is attached along with for your kind perusal.

  Thanking you for your kind consideration and looking forward to receiving your favorable response on the subject.

  Best Regards,



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